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Tate's pov

"He made her a playlist!" I yelled and Gabbie laughed, "It was called v, just the letter v, oh and the little cover thing was a picture of that funboy cloud thing I got."

"Best partnership ever by the way." Gabbie said as we got sidetracked until Jonah and Jack walked into the room. "What are you yelling about?" Jonah laughed and I rolled my eyes.

"Vaniel." I said and Jack narrowed his eyes at Gabbie, "What about them?" He asked suspiciously.

"He made her a cute little playlist." I repeated, "It was kinda weird though, he had the cover it as a picture of that one cloud floatie, I would've thought it would be a picture of her or them together." I rambled and Jack started jumping around.

"I told you! I TOLD YOU! I KNEW IT!!" He exclaimed and Gabbie laughed as she shook her head. "They kissed on that thing the first night here!" He said as he sat on the couch next to Gabbie.

"They did WHAT!?!?" Jonah and I said at the same time. "That bitch kissed my wife?" I asked as I raised my eyebrows and Jonah looked at me.

"Well I didn't exactly see them kiss like up close but I could see their silhouettes and they were SUPER close." Jack explained and we all were a bit disappointed.

"They're always super close," Jonah said and lightly smacked Jack. "So they didn't kiss?" I said sounding very disappointed and Gabbie shook her head no as Jack shook his yes.

"I'm taking that as a no." Jonah said and me and Gabbie laughed. Jack just sighed, "I swear they did!"

"Who did what?" Vinnie asked as her and Daniel plopped on the couch together. "I swear my sisters locked me in a closet when I was younger." Jack laughed and we all looked at him weird.

"Okay?" Daniel said and there was an awkward silence. "We are playing never have I ever. Five fingers, Who's first?" I asked to try and make things less weird.

"Never have I ever been skydiving" Gabbie said and nobody put down a finger. "Wow no one okay next."

"Never have I ever snuck out of a hotel room on tour." Jonah said and looked dead at Jack. Jack put one finger down but so did Vinnie and Daniel. "Daniel you've snuck out?" Jack said turning the conversation away from himself.

"Who's next?" Vinnie interrupted and looked over at me. "Never have I ever done a topless shoot." I shrugged and Jonah looked at me weird. "Why not?" He asked and I hit his arm.

I noticed Vinnie put a finger down and Daniel said something quietly to her.

Vivian's pov

"You're gonna show me those pictures later right?" Daniel whispered and I rolled my eyes. "Never have I ever had sex on a first date." I said and I saw Jonah and Tate each put down a finger.

"Oh. My. Goodness." Daniel said as they both looked at each other and laughed. "Hold on you guys had your first date when we were on tour." Jack said, "and we weren't in either of your guys hometown." Daniel added.

"Holy shit, you guys had sex on the bus too?" Gabbie yelled and Daniel looked really confused.

"TOO!?!?!" Daniel yelled and scrunched up his nose. "Ewww holy- EWW, my bunk is right under yours Jack!" Jack and Gabbie both laughed at him. "No one wants to do it on the top bunk, sorry bud." Jack mumbled and Daniel made a gagging sound.

"Lavender could've been made on MY bunk!!" He yelled and I bursted out laughing. "I slept there every night!"

"I need a shower." He said and quickly got up and ran to our room. "Drama queen." I sighed and got up. "Why are you getting up?" Jack asked and narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm tired." I said slowly.

"Yea okay." He chuckled and I raised my eyebrows. "Goodnight babes." I said as I hugged Tate and Gabbie and then headed upstairs.

I threw on one of Daniel's shirts and started taking off my makeup when he came out of the bathroom. "I was looking for that!" He laughed when he saw his shirt on me.

"It looks better on me." I joked and he smiled. "I'm really happy you came with." He looked down at me and I chuckled, "Why? You didn't want to learn about how Jack and Gabbie fucked on your bed alone?"

"Yea that's why." He sarcastically laughed, "No I just- you're making this trip so much better." He stuttered and I smiled. "But you know what would make it even better?"

I smiled and waited for him to continue. "The pictures from your topless shoot." He chuckled and I slapped his arm and went over to the bed.

"Daniel we've been together for a whole two days." I reasoned and he looked disappointed. "You're telling me I have to wait even longer for something I've been waiting for months for?" He questioned and I looked at him as he climbed into bed also.

"Yep." I said popping the 'p' sound. He laid down next to me and pulled me really close. I looked up and gave him a kiss before laying my head on his chest. "I wish we could just stay here forever." I mumbled and I felt his arms get tighter around me.

"Me too." He whispered and kissed my forehead.

I honestly don't have anything to say
I want tacos

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