Explaining some story parts

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So it's not new news I'm a guy not a girl. So I may not know how to accurately do Michelle and May's pov but I try. I know stuff from all my friends that are females and what lines not to cross on things from them as well.

I also know my caffeine thing is weird but I have reasons for that. I had a friend that all she drank was caffeine and at bad food. She did eat good but didn't stop the caffeine. She lost the baby due to complications. It may have been the caffeine maybe not I just don't like the chances.

I also know stress isn't good on a pregnant women. BUT I've done research and it's not proven how much stress is bad for a pregnant woman. So I just am going with the same amount of stress every time.

I also wanna say thanks for making this story my new top read work! It's great to see and I'm so grateful that it's got the support it has.

Thank you!!!
Eli (626edge)

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