"Erik!" I smile.

He holds his arms open and I run into them. His arms wrap around me. I take in his scent with a huge smile on my face. Music begins to play. His hands grab onto my waist.

"I could've sworn I saw you last night. I-I was searching for you and then the fireworks... and and then the dancing and kiss!" I was so nervous that I stuttered everything out.

"And you thought it was a dream?" He laughs.

"Was it?" I frown.

He leans in, his lips touching mine. He pulls away, staring back at me. He smiles at my reaction.

"I don't think it was a dream. I really did find you." I slap him. "WHERE THE HECK DID YOU GO?!"

"Home..." He sighs.

"Why?" I frown.

"Well, there was serious threats going on. I was trying to ignore it but I had to go. By the time I got there, everything was being handled..." He looks away, tears filling his eyes.

"How was it handled?" I ask, cupping his face into my hands.

"War." His voice goes dark and husky.

I slowly let my hands fall to his chest. He clears his throat and begins to sway to the music. He smiles down at me, ignoring the fact that he just said some things that were confidential.

"Are you okay?" He asks.

"You could be killed for what you just said." I snobbishly say.

"Well, I don't think I'm supposed to hide things with the person I love. I promised I would tell her everything." He grins.

"Everything?" I give him a look.

"Everything." He places his forehead against mine.

We dance in complete silence... Well, except for the music. He holds me closer as the cold hair begins to settle in. I smile at such a perfect night. This night couldn't get any better...

"Erik," I look up at him.

"Yes?" He continues looking out into the distance.

"I love you, too." I answer honestly.

"You do?" He almost chokes.

"Yes. Why else would I be-" He interrupts me.

"Princess... I don't think this conversation needs to be continued. We have bigger matters on our hands." He pulls my hand.

We run downstairs, "WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I yell.

"Where's your father?!" He looks around with wide eyes.

"He's up on the balcony in the ballroom. But-" Interrupted again.

Screaming travels throughout the first floor. Erik's quick reflexes pull me to him and push me inside a closet.

"STAY HERE! DON'T MAKE A NOISE! I'LL BE BACK!" Erik shuts the closet door, running away.

I slide down the wall, crying. I hear swords crashing against each other, screaming, and men shouting orders. My breathing speeds up as someone sneakily walks to my closet. He opens the door.

"Come on. Now." He holds his hand out.

I take his hand and he quickly rushes us to a nearby room. He looks for something and then looks at me.

"Do you know how to fight?" Erik asks.

"I... I've never learned!" I admit.

He nods and hands me a sword anyways. He looks out in the distance.

The Princess of Eurasia ✓Where stories live. Discover now