:Part Four:

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I sit at the table, eating my lunch. Father looked upset and so did Marc. Everyone was upset. I don't understand why THEY were upset. I should be upset.

"Elle, pass the bread." Father says.

I hand him the plate with bread. He studies my expression before taking it. He looks around the table.

"Where's Erik?" He asks.

"I'm sure he wasn't hungry and wanted to be alone." I blurt out.

"That sounds like him." Father and Marc both say, nodding.

I roll my eyes and finish eating. Mia and Ali were coming over so we could pick out our ballgowns for tomorrow night's ball. I run out and run to my room, shutting and locking the door.

"ELLE! IT'S MIA AND ALI!" I hear Laya bang on the door.

I open it up and let them all in. They sit on my bed and watch me find a dress. They were laughing the whole time, well, except Laya. I frown and shake my head.

"What's wrong?" Mia asks, standing up.

"Erik left last night and I have no clue where he went." I could feel more tears coming.

Ali rushes up and pulls me into a hug, "Who'd do such a thing?" She asks.

"Erik." Laya and Mia reply.

Ali snaps a look at them. We pick our dresses for the ball. I need Erik to come back so I can choose my King. I can't do that without him... I just can't.

We finally finish choosing our outfit for tomorrow. I figured that I might as well tell father that Erik ran away. He needs to know the truth in order for me to have time to find Erik.

"Go to your father." Mia says.

I nod and rush down the stairs. I head to the Throne Room, usually where you'd find him. I hear him talking to someone. Someone familiar.

"You did good, son." Father says. "I just need you try harder. Elle will probably choose you anyways. You're very caring."

"Sir, that's the thing. Your daughter doesn't spend enough time with me. She always spends her time with Erik." Marc replies.

"Oh, is that so? Well, it's really up to my daughter who she will marry. Yes, I can choose. Yes, I can threaten. I choose not to because she will be future Queen and she needs to make her own choices." Father seemed upset.

"Erik is just not right for your daughter, Your Majesty." Marc sighs.

"Speaking of Erik," I step in, causing the men to look my way. "Erik ran away."

I could seen Marc trying to hold a smile. Father looked scared. The thing about my father, he's never EVER scared nor nervous.

"And where might he be, Elle?" Father asks.

"I-I wish I knew. He ran away last night after telling me something. I said something wrong and he rushed by me. He ran away." I hold back tears.

"Without Erik, you can't choose your King tomorrow night." He looks at Marc, "I'm sorry. Rules are rules."

He bows and walks away. Father looked upset, very upset. I walk up to him, taking his hand. He holds my hand back.

"Look for him tonight. If you don't find him by sunset, you can't choose your King tomorrow. The ball will still go on." Father's voice cracks. "And Elle, choose the right one when the time comes."

I nod, biting my lip. I curtsy and run out of the throne room. I go to my room and pick outside clothes. I grab my horse riding outfit and my cloak. I put my boots on and head out of my room. I run down the stairs and outside to my horse.

The Princess of Eurasia ✓Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin