:Part Two:

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Mia was asleep on my couch. She just wanted to sleep on the couch for some reason. I slip on another light blue dress and put shoes on. I grab my gloves and quietly leave my room. I told Marc to meet me at the Royal Garden.

"Marc." I call out while entering the garden.

"I'm over here. I didn't forget." I hear him chuckle.

I find him and he takes my hand. He kisses it while bowing to me. I curtsy and we walk around the garden. He admires all the flowers and the night sky.

"This garden used to be my mother's." I smile.

He looks at me, "Used to be?"

"It's my safe place now but yes. She died around four years ago. She was my best friend and it really pains me to come here sometimes. Sometimes I come here to calm my nerves." I explain.

"I would've loved to meet her. I am sorry that she died. She did an amazing job with the garden." Marc flashes a smile.

"She did." I look around, taking in every little detail.

There were so many Rose's, Lily's, and more! It was a flower wonderland out here. I could sense that someone was watching us from a far.

"So, Marc," I look at him. "Why do you want to be my husband?"

"Because this Kingdom deserves a King that knows what he's doing. And because you deserve to have someone protect and love you." He answers, still looking around.

"Do you want what's best for the Kingdom?" I ask another question.

"If a Kingdom falls, it falls. If it thrives, it thrives. I guess I do but whatever happens, it happens for a reason." Marc nods, looking at me.

"Do you care about the people in the Kingdom or do you just like the fame and idea of being loved?" I was getting deeper into questions.

"Elle, why do you keep asking me questions?!" He snaps.

I flinch, "Marc! It's called getting to know you! Don't ever raise your voice at me!" I turn and walk away.

"Wait, Elle-" I interrupt him.

"I'm feel a little tired. Goodnight, Marc." I yell without giving a last look.

I enter the Castle and Erik leans against the wall. I glare at him, walking by him. I hear him running to catch up with me. I sigh and stop.

"Yes, Erik?" I whine.

"He's not the one. Goodnight, Elle." Erik smirks and walks away to his room.

I make it up to my room. I put on my nightgown and lay down on my bed. Mia was still sleeping on the couch and I feel myself smiling. I slowly begin to drift off.

About an annoying week later, I've been feeling overly stressed. Mia and Ali are trying their hardest to calm me down. Erik's been nothing but cold. Marc has been bugging me non-stop. I finally got some time by myself.

I open up my book and began to read. I breathe in the comforting scent of flowers, smiling as it brings memories of my mother. I begin to feel an ache in my chest.

"Princess Elle?" Laya taps my shoulder, sitting beside me.

I wipe the tears I didn't know were coming out of me. I couldn't believe I was actually crying about memories. I bite my lip and hug Laya. She rubs my back and I cry more. This day couldn't get any worse.

"Erik wishes to see you, Princess Elle." Laya says before getting up.

"W-Why?" I ask, looking at her with a blurry sight.

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