Chapter 1: The Magic is not over yet

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Nick and Daggeron was running after Hades and Trigen , Nick and Daggeron got their powers back from a little help from Clare after finding out that their is still unfinished with the underworld .

Nick " Daggeron there getting away!"

Daggeron " Laster Lamp!" He blasted at them stopping them in their tracks.

Trigen " They have caught us partner."

Nick " We have, we're going to destroy the both of you."

Hades " You think you can destroy me don't you know who I'm?"

Daggeron " We do ! that's why we were going to send back to where you came from."

Hades " You can try."

Nick " Magic Staff Power of the Phoenix! " He jumps into the air and flies towards Hades and Trigen as they sparked and exploded.

Nick " That's how it's done."

Daggeron " Nick I don't think we are done yet."

Nick " His powers are weakened that attack should have destroyed them."

Daggeron " I don't know-" Suddenly a blast sends Daggeron flying as a magic rope is cast around Nick pulling him towards them.

Trigen " You thought that destroyed us." He says laughing.

Hades " He underestimated our power but we won't next time." He laughs as they disappeared going to the underworld.

Daggeron gets up and says " NICK!" realizing he's gone.

Daggeron " I have to get the others." He says leaving.

Meanwhile ....

The Overdrive Rangers was working on looking for the jewels until they seen the city under attack from Hidiacs.

Spencer " Sir we have a problem." He says as Mr.Hartford and the rangers look at the monitor .

Mr.Hartford " What are those?"

Rose " They look like zombies."

Will " Zombies?" He says not believing it.

Rose " Do you have a better explanation?"

Dax " From someone who spent time on set as stuntman those look like zombies."

Ronny " Whatever those are they mess with the wrong rangers."

Max " Come on Rangers!"

" Overdrive Accelerate !!!!!" They morphed and headed to the city, they jumped down from the plane and started to attack the Hidiacs.

" Drive Defenders !!!!!" They pulled out their swords and started attacking the footsoldiers.

" Blaster Mode !" Rose blasted at the footsoldiers as they sparked and exploded.

Dax " That was quick."

Will " Yea let's head back." Suddenly a blast sends them flying in the air as they land on the ground they looked up to see the grass on fire and a red ranger coming their way.

Max " Another red ranger?"

Ronny " His ranger suit looks familiar?"

Rose " Who are you?"

Nick " Your nightmare!" He says and starts to chuckle.

The overdrive rangers gets up and hold their ground.

Dax " We don't want to hurt you."

Nick " Wish I can say the same thing." He runs towards them kicking Dax, Max throws his fist at him as Nick missed it and kicks him in the back, Ronny and Rose started towards him as Nick misses every attack by them, he tricks them making them fall to the ground.

Will " Let's go Dax!"

Dax " Right!"

" Drive Slammer!"

" Drive Vortex!"

They pulled out their weapons and started to attack him as he takes out his magic staff, Will sling his hammer towards him, Nick ducks and does a flip as Dax comes in on his vortex with the drive defender in his hand.

Nick " I don't think so, Magic Blast!" He shoots at Dax sending  him flying.

Will " Hiyah!" He swings his hammer again and Nick jumps up into the air and blasted him sending him flying.

Max " Drive Defender!"

Nick " Magic Staff Sword mode, it's just us red rangers."

Max " Bring it." They clashed their weapons against each other, Max swings his defender clashes against Nick sword. Max puts more force on his side bring Nick down who kicks him in the stomach, Nick jumps back and comes in flying kicking him in the chest sending him flying with the rest of this team.

Nick " This have been fun." He says bring his sword into the air getting ready to strike.

" Hiyah !" a yellow blast hits Nick sending him flying, the rangers looked to see four rangers.

Xander " We meet again!"

Rose " Xander!"

Ronny  " The Mystic Force Rangers that's why he looked so familiar."

Maddie " Nick?!?"

Vida " That's not Nick sis!"

Nick " If it's isn't my old ranger crew."

Chip " Nick what's going on?"

Nick " Nothing just going to destroy the Overdrive Rangers are you in?"

Vida " Lets me think ... No!"

Xander " This ain't the Nick we know."

Maddie " Nick wouldn't want to hurt people including other rangers!"

Nick " Wrong Answer! Ill just have to destroy you too."

Chip " We got to get them out of here." He says as they started to stand in front of the Overdrive Rangers.

Vida " I got this cover ... Mystical Wings!" as a set of fairy wings appears behind her and starts blowing at Nick who tries to fight the wind , once the wind was gone we seen they were gone.

Nick " They will be back!" He laughs leaving.

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