Movie - pt. 1

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This one's a long one lol. Probably gonna spilt it into two parts. Definitely more of a one shot than an imagine

STELLA: movie. tonight. 7:30. down?

Y/N: Broski, down.
          Who's coming?

STELLA: me, you, luke, peyton, carson, and maybe y/c/n.

Y/N: Oooh only maybe? 😂

STELLA: hey be glad I tried in the first place! 😂 you know you go all googoo when he's around, I want my best friend, not some boy crazy zombie!

Y/N: Yeah yeah, you know you love me

STELLA: yup. as much as my mom loves Hugh jackman.

Y/N: *gassssssp* That much!?

STELLA: yup 😂 now hurry up and finish your homework, you gotta be ready to party hard tonight.

Y/N: I'm always ready for a party

STELLA: uh huh. k, talk to you later

Y/N: Cya at the theater.
Your POV:

Okay. A chance. I thought to myself. He might not be there, but he could be. That's all that really matters, right? Id been crushing on y/c/n for around a year now. Ever since the New Years party last year. Stella and Luke had decided to go party hopping, but I had promised my mom I'd stay with my little brother until he was ready to leave, so I was kinda stuck there.
The only person I really knew there was y/c/n, and talking to him was really intimidating. He's genuinely funny, super attractive, and was definitely out of my league. It sucked. Seemed like another night I was going to be spending draining away on my phone. And for a while it was, but then he approached me, asked me if I wanted to play a card game. Ya know, I was a little surprised, but I wasn't going to turn him down. Yeah, it could end up being super awkward, but who knows. It could end up being fun.
We sat down for one or two games of ERS, and it somehow turned into us spending the entire night hanging out. We played card games, mixed weird food concoctions, made snow angels, and yeah maybe he was annoying for stealing my phone, but wow, even in the lighting of my neighbors basement, he looked breathtaking. His c/h/c hair perfectly complimented his c/e/c eyes and somehow made his smile look like it was stolen from a movie star.
Besides flirting, nothing romantic happened that night, but I just new it would be the start of something unforgettable.

Boy was I wrong.

He didn't talk to me for weeks, and still hardly talks to me. Usually it's in a mutual conversation with friends. But do you know who doesn't want it to be a mutual friendship?? Me!! Ahhh it's the worst!! I'm basically head over heels in love with him, and he doesn't even remember my name, much less New Years.
It was the absolute worst outcome that could've come out of the situation, but it's not like I could go up to him and tell him how I feel. I'd rather go on live TV singing 'I'm a little teapot'.

I looked up from my phone, and breathed out heavily. There was a chance. I had a chance. I shifted my position on my bed, the monkey board creaking beneath me as I did. Chemistry homework always took ages, and now with the idea of a movie with y/c/n in my head it was probably gonna to take ten times as long.

I tried my best to rush through the packet, which honestly probably wasn't the best idea, seeing as I really didn't understand any of it. It's fine, Mrs Morton was easy to sidetrack. If I started a discussion in class, it'd be easy to fix my answers before she collected the homework.

I spent the last hour before the movie perfecting my look. I must've tried on 15 different outfits before I finally decided on the one. My favorite T-Shirt tucked into some ripped jeans, and my pumas, along with a few bracelets here and there. I had really contemplated wearing a jacket with the look, but I decided that there was a chance that y/c/n would bring a jacket, and I wanted to give him the chance to offer it to me.

I threw on a bit of mascara, shoved a chapstick in my pocket, and grabbed a pack of gum right before I left. I was ready. Y/c/n wouldn't know what hit him.

PART TWO - Coming soon 😉

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2019 ⏰

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