"Hello Dr. Campbell. What do you think?" Lexi asked.

"Hey, Lexi, I agree. It's just soft tissue damage from the nail. He should be able to return to work after 3 or 4 days to a week at most. Lexi will take care of the hand and the shot for you, then you can go home." the older doctor said with a smile.

"Thank you doc," Manny said as Lexi began to get what she needed to clean his hand and went to prep the vaccination.

After she'd finished with Manny's hand, Matt left with the man to make sure that he got home alright. She walked back to the nurses station and saw that Nick was waiting for her.

"What can I do for you Mr. Sorrentino?" she asked as she sat down.

"I um wanted to apologise." he replied.

"For what?" she wondered.

"For not asking you out again. I got caught up in dealing with some family stuff since Clay came into town, and between that and work." he started to explain.

"Nick, I understand. We've both been busy. I'm just wondering if you ever actually intended to ask me out again or not," Lexi replied.

"I want to, but with my family and work stuff..." Nick trailed off.

"Actually, the family thing is at a standstill right now, so if you two wanted to go out again, there's nothing stopping you," Clay said joining them.

"I take it, you're Clay?" Lexi asked with a smile.

"Yeah, Clayton Danvers...Nick's cousin," Clay answered.

"Really, well, since you put it that way, should I give him another chance?" Lexi asked curiously.

"I can't think of any reason why you shouldn't," Clay answered with a smile.

"Okay. We can go out again. I get off work at six, how does seven thirty sound?" Lexi asked as she got up to make her way back to the ER.

"Seven thirty sounds good. I'll see you then," Nick said as she walked away.

"Thanks for your help back there buddy," Nick said as he and Clay walked back to his car a short time later.

"No problem man, Lexi seemed pretty cool. She knew how to do her job and didn't freak out at the sight of the blood. Not many women like that. I mean I married one." Clay grinned.

"This is true. Lexi is pretty great. I actually think that Elena would like her too. I just have no idea what to do for our date tonight." Nick shook his head.

"Why don't you do something low key, I mean, she seems like the kind of girl that might appreciate something that doesn't involve being dressed up since she's worked all day. Doesn't Brooklyn have that park with the carousel? You could take her there?" Clay suggested.

"Yeah, and there is an ice cream place near there too." Nick nodded.

"You could do a picnic, bring a bottle of wine, some food. It would be a good way to get to know her besides just taking her to a fancy restaurant," Clay said.

"That could work, thanks buddy," Nick said as he started the car and drove back to his loft.

"Not a problem, when we get back, I need to check in with Jeremy and then call Elena and let her know that I will be heading back home in a couple of days. I don't see any reason to stick around unless you need more help with the mutt," Clay replied.

"What are you going to tell the Alpha? He isn't going to be happy unless we have something to tell him about the mutt," Nick said as he stopped at a traffic light.

"I will tell him the truth, he needs to know that we have nothing so far and if something changes, he will be kept in the loop. You know we can't lie to him Nick. Besides, he would be able to sense that something is off," Clay answered as he glanced at his phone.

"Yeah, Jeremy has always been able to tell when we're being anything less than truthful. He would most likely be able to tell if I am distracted by anything other than work or pack relations," Nick grumbled.

"This is the first time that I've seen you distracted by a woman, I mean you've never had a shortage of female company, but she's a first. A distraction from the pack, you must really like her or am I just overreaching?" Clay asked.

"No, you're not. Lexi's great. We had a good time on our first date, we both know what it's like to lose family. She's adopted," Nick explained at Clay's raised eyebrows.

"Really? That's interesting, Just do me a favor? Don't get too caught up in the idea of being with someone that you forget that she can't know our secret. She seems great, but you know pack law." Clay said as he looked at his phone.

"Do you ever regret how things happened between you and Elena? I mean the whole biting her thing?" Nick asked finally.

"Sometimes, I mean, I don't regret being with her. But I do regret sometimes being the one who bit her. I mean considering the alternative, if I hadn't, then she wouldn't be alive, but I do wish things had been different," Clay answered.

Nick nodded and let the conversation drop. They rode the rest of the way in silence. When they arrived at Nick's loft, Clay went to update Jeremy and to look for a flight back to Toronto, while Nick went to get ready for his date. Before he stepped into the shower, he texted Lexi and told her to dress casually for their date. He couldn't keep the smile off of his face when she texted back and told him that she was looking forward to seeing him again.

Detective Dale McCarthy walked into the locker room after a long shift. He was more than ready to go home, grab a beer, and then go for a long run to clear his head. He was tired, but he knew he needed to go on a run. His brother would kick his ass if he missed another one. He had been a wolf all of his life and he knew that if he didn't change on a regular basis, it would cause problems. He pulled a shirt over his head and glanced at his phone. Hi picked it up and pressed 1 on the speed dial.

"Hey little brother, you on your way?" the voice on the other end said.

"Yeah, I'll be leaving in ten. Do we know if the Pack has caught on to us yet?" Dale asked as he looked to make sure that no one else was around.

"No, they haven't. All I know is that Sorrentino is interested in that little bitch whose friends with your partner, make sure you keep her in your sights, she could be useful to us later," his brother said.

"Will do, you want to meet at the usual spot?" Dale asked.

"No, meet me at your place, I found us a live one tonight," his brother said.

"Dammit, Eli, I thought you wanted us to lay low?" Dale asked as he walked to his truck.

"We've been good so far. Don't worry so much, little brother. I've protected us so far, and I will keep doing that. Just meet me and we'll blow off some steam, then you can watch that pair of hot legs that Sorrentino is so interested in."

"Yeah, about that, I think my partner might want to check him out soon since he's so interested in one of his best friends, and if he's not, then I'll suggest it." Dale smirked.

"Good work, see you soon," his brother said and ended the call.

"This should be fun," Dale said as he pulled into his parking garage and headed up to his apartment for whatever his brother had in mind. 

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