Chapter 2🌸

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"Im bouta slap you" I said chaseing lay down the stairs

"am sorry" she yelled running behind

"y'all needa calm y'all ass down and go back up stairs playing and shit" he said as I went in the kitchen walking out with a bag of takis in my hand

"Why you being so mean" I said laughing

"I know you not talking and go change them small ass shorts" I looked at him and mugged

"You too lay" he said she mugged him and then rolled her eyes

"Were trey" I asked

"He in LA with his lil girlfriend " he said now siting on the couch "what girlfriend" I asked stuffing some chips in my mouth

"Stop trying to change the subject and go change them damn shorts both off y'all" he said causeing me And lay to mugged him then laugh

"They not even that short" lay mumble walking up stairs

"gO ChAgE tHeM DaMe sHoRtS" I mocked

"Keep playing with me"

"He so irritating" I said wrapping my chips up setting them on the dresser while walking in my bathroom turning the shower on geting out my tooth brush and face towel

"You wanna go to da mall" lay asked

"It don't matter"I said now closeing the door taking off my clothes geting in the shower😌

45min later

When I got out the shower I grabbed my PINK towel raping it around me tightly walking out

"get yo stanking ass up and get in the shower" i said to lay makeing her mugg me but she got up and went to the bathroom

I went to my dresser looking for a bra and underwear set to put on once I found one I put it on and went to my closet getting two outfits

I got me a all pink champion outfit with some red Jordan's and got her a grey tank top with black Adidas leggings with some black nike slides I put on my outfit grabbed my gel, brush,edge brush, and my lashes, and glue

I went in the bathroom grabbed my tooth brush and brushed my teeth after i was done I washed my face and put tea tree oli on my face I heard the water stop

"clothes on the bed" I said putting my eye lash on

"Kk" she said raping the towel around her leaveing out as I put on my other lash on .......after I was done doing my lashes i did hers then I did my hair in a side slick ponytail also my edges

"Can you take my picture" lay said Puting in her ear rings as I walked out the bathroom "mhmm" I hummed in response also putting on my ear rings she handed me her phone



Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
Temporary time💚Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ