Graffiti Art --Part 2--

Start from the beginning

After crossing the border of wealth into poverty, we made it to our home, an apartment on the third floor of a shabby building. There were many repairs to be done, but no one ever fixed it. Our landlord just slapped some Flex Tape on the cracks in the wall and sprayed some water on the mold that covered the corners of the lobby.

We entered the house and found dad cooking dinner. "We're home!" I exclaimed.

Our dad looked up from the pot and saw us. "Great! Supper is almost ready. Get washed up and start your homework. I'll call you guys when I'm done."

Ten walked up to him. "Daddy, where's mommy?"

Dad stopped stirring and hugged Ten. "Mommy has to work late today, okay? She'll be home while you sleep."

"Awwe... So no supper for mommy?"

"She'll have supper when she gets home."

"Let's wait then!"

I spoke up because I hated this topic. "Mommy wouldn't want that, she'll get upset if you don't sleep on time."

Ten pouted and stomped to our room.

"Thanks, Eve. How was your day?" My dad wryly asked with easy eyes.

"Crazy calm," I smiled. "You're welcome, too."

My mom is a prostitute, that's why she works late. She barely gets paid enough to keep us going. We never told Ten because he's too young to understand. Plus, Ten is not my dad's biological child; only I am. Ten is the child of a man who raped my mother; a man whom she never got justice from. My dad is a part time barista, who only works during the day, and comes home just to care for us.

I hated the way we lived in this 'ghetto.'

Art is the only way I can escape that.

The bag I filled with stolen paint is going to be used tonight.

Your P.O.V.~

I get home to the nice repairman power washing my front gate and the walls of the vandalism that tainted the mansion. I greeted him a good afternoon and walked onto the front porch. I opened the door and saw my mother on her laptop.

I came to her and kissed her on the forehead. "Hey, mom, what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to see who defaced our gates."

She was reviewing the footage from last night and from one month ago, when the vandal first struck. Her eyes squinted towards the screen as she angrily pointed at a figure moving amongst the darkness. She paused the video. "Is that him, mom?"

"Yes, the 'leader.'"

Excuse me? "Leader?"

She continued the video and we watched for a full two minutes. Then, we saw three more dark figures creep up to the gate and join whoever this 'leader' was.

They splatted graffiti all over our front gates and walls for 'god knows how long.' How were we not able to catch them at that moment? But, we'll get them. Those ghetto kids are not smart anyway.

I stomped upstairs and dumped by backpack onto my bed once I was in my bedroom. I hastily removed my sweater and smelled it. Cologne. It was the cologne my best friend wore. He smelled so nice, at least he didn't smell like that rat that bumped into me

Graffiti Art --Delinquent Eve x Reader--Where stories live. Discover now