Chapter 1

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     "Miss.Casey?" A young woman with long, brunette hair asked. I turned and looked at her, smiling. "Hi, I'm Erin and I'm a detective here at Chicago PD."
    "Why are the police here? My grandma died, she was old-" I stuttered. Erin places a hand on my shoulder.
    "Because you now have to go and live with your closest blood relative and it's our job to arrange that." She explained. I bit my lip, knowing already who it was. Needless to say, I knew he wouldn't be glad to see me.
    "Okay, so can you please tell us your full name." An older looking lady with grey hair asked.
   "Georgia Rain Casey." I replied. She muttered something under her breath and wrote it down.
    "And your date of birth?"
    "Novermber 8th, 1994."
    "Now, do you know your father at all, have you met him?" She enquired. I paused for a moment before replying.
    "Yeah, I've met him a couple of times. He never really got along with my mother and when she died, he refused to take me in so my grandmother did instead. I know he's a firefighter at firehouse 51 but that's all I really know about him." I explained. That older lady gave me a sympathetic look. "Besides, how did you manage to get him to take me in? He hates me!"
   "He had to." The grey-haired lady smiled. "My husband works with him; I always get the impression he isn't the easiest person to get along with." I laughed, explaining that my mother felt the same. "Okay, Miss.Casey we will have Erin escort you to the firehouse with your belongings and your dad will have to just sign a paper and then we will leave you alone."
     In the back of Erin's car, I had 4 bags: one full of my personal belongings; one full of my clothes; my dance bag and the last one full of my dance trophies. I was sat, listening to my music, going through my routines in my head to calm myself down. I was lucky that my dance studio was only a fifteen minute walk from the firehouse to I could walk there and back everyday.
    I took all my bags from her car when we stopped and looked around. It was a sunny day and the firehouse looked alive, with two people sat outside, laughing and I could hear noise coming from inside. As we walked past the men outside, one of the stood up and looked my up and down, making me very uncomfortable as I was wearing shorts and a crop top. Erin lead me inside towards an office. When we passed by a group of men inside, I looked at them, catching a glimpse of the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. He smiled at me and I smiled back.
   "Good morning, Mr.Casey. This is Georgia, as I'm sure you know," my dad just stared at me. I looked some-what like my mother-blue eyes and freckles- but with red hair that reached just past my shoulders. "So if you'll sign this paper, legally making you Georgia's guardian, then I'll be on my way." Erin explained. My dad took the pen and sign the paper, quickly, never taking his eyes from me.
    It was a terrible blank stare- I didn't know if he was shocked that I was seventeen now, or if it was that my hair had gotten darker or whether it was a miserable stare that he didn't want me here. Either way, it just made me look away.
    "Hey dad-" he cut me off, bitterly.
    "My shift doesn't end until seven so you will have to just hang around here, okay. Go out and sit with the guys or something, just don't get bothering me, I'm trying to work."
   "Okay." I whispered, picking up my bags off the floor and heading out to where the other guys were sat. They all looked at me, clearly overhearing what my dad said to me as the door was open, and smiled.
    "Hey, come sit with us." One of them said, taking two bags off me. He made a slight noise and laughed, putting down my bag next to me as I sat in a empty seat. "Jesus, kid, what in the bag. It's heavy!" He exaggerated. I laughed.
    "It's just my dance awards." I said, modestly. The man with blue eyes spoke up, drawing my attention to him.
   "So, what's your name sweetheart?"
   "Georgia," I smiled, "but my full name is Georgia Rain Casey."
    "Of well I'm Kelly Severide," he shook my hand, gently, "and that's Peter Mills, Shay, Chris Herrmann, Chief Boden is over there," he pointed to a tall man holding a cup of coffee, "Otis, Mouch and Joe Cruz." I received a chorus of hellos and smiles from everyone.
    "Who's that?" I asked, pointing to a woman with curly hair, who was walking into my dad's office.
    "That's Gabbie although I guess she's technically your step-mom." Cruz added.
   "Does she hate me, too?" I asked, worried, making everyone look sympathetically at me. Kelly moves to sit next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
    "Honey, your dad doesn't hate you, trust me. He's just a hard person, he doesn't show emotion a lot and he just finds it hard to handle responsibility." I laughed at the last bit. Kelly seemed like a good guy.

The fire within | Chicago Fire/ Kelly Severide/ Matt Casey's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now