The Marksman

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Song of the Chapter: In The Face of Evil by Magic Sword

Warning! Unedited!


Following Steve, Lennon drops onto her feet inside the tunnels, immediately scrunching her nose at the foul smell of mold, dirt and death. Steve stood right beside her, his hands rested against her hips to steady her from the drop into the tunnels. The two gaped at the scene surrounding them.

From the floating ash-like particles in the air, to the twisting roots all along the walls, and the sudden glacial air surrounding them-- it was all familiar to Lennon. It reminded her how that otherworldly place that plagued her nightmares ever since, was forcing it's way into their world.

Pushing aside the initial panic, she looked to Steve, realizing he hadn't been there last year when she and Nancy stumbled through the tree.

"Holy shit." Steve muttered, waving his hand around a floating particle of ash. His words were enough to drag Lennon out of her daze.

"You remember how I told you that last year, Nance and I went through that slimey hole in the tree that was like a vagina and we were chased by the demogorgan? This is exactly like that." Lennon questioned, picking up her can of gasoline from the ground.

"I thought you said asshole?" Steve's goggles shifted on his face as he furrowed his brows, recalling when she initially told him that story.

"No, I said vagina." She corrected, beginning to move towards the kids.

"Eh, same thing." Steve shrugged, picking up his can of gasoline. Lennon scoffed loudly, stopping in her tracks.

"Um, no, not at all!" She spun around, shocked.

"Guys!" Dustin called out, bringing the older teenagers to hurry over to the rest of the group.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's this way." Mike informed, dragging the rubber finger of his yellow glove along a line.

"You're pretty sure, or you're certain?" Dustin questions.

"I'm 100% sure. Just follow me and you'll know." Mike shouts from behind the scarf tied around his mouth. Lennon moved the heavy gas container to her other hand, shaking her tired one in the air in an odd effort of getting more blood flow to the area.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey, hey, hey, hey. I don't think so." Steve rambled, stumbling over a root in an effort to catch up to Mike. The flashlight in his hand shone spastically all over the place, including in the group's eyes. "Any of you little shits die down here, I'm getting the blame. Maybe Lennon too, but it's mostly my ass on the line. Got it dipshit?" Steve spoke, the bandana tied around his face moving as he did so. "From here on out, I'm leading the way. Come on, let's go." He called out to the group, beginning down the tunnel.

With a sigh and a shake of her head, Lennon walked down the tunnel, falling into line beside Max.


Lennon's boot slid down a slime-covered root on the ground, sending her off balance. The boys ahead, didn't bother turning around, their determination blocking their senses. Max caught onto one of her flailing arms, helping her regain her footing as she fumbled with the gas canister. 

"Ugh, I hate the upside down." Lennon groaned, looking down at her now slimey shoe. "I'm sorry you were roped into this."

"Its okay." The redhead started with a shrug, adjusting the swim mask over her eyes. "It's better than being home. Besides, if we can help Eleven, we should." The two girls continued walking behind the boys. "Even if she hates me, I still want to help." Max pursed her lips, visibly hurt that the fascinating girl Lucas had told her stories about, clearly didn't like her. Lennon's brows gathered, her steps more careful so as to not slip once again.

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