Chapter 8

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Pansy busted down the door think that only Draco was the only one in his room, but it was too late once she yelled at Draco, she saw that Harry was sleeping on Draco's chest and that he was stroking his hair watching him sleep. Draco shushed her than Harry woke up rubbing his eyes. "Look what you did you woke up my boyfriend, your mean." Chuckled Draco.
Than Harry agreed with Pansy that they should get up or Snap would kill them if they were late to class. Draco was sad cause he didn't want the moment to end but he knew it was going to at some point. So Harry took a shower in the one that is connected to the room. Draco got dressed and he gave Harry some of his own clothes so he would t look weird and he wore the black pants from last night, and button up shirt, with a plain vest, than on the way to potions Harry ran into Hermione with a tie for him. He was happy to see her and Ron. He hugged them and thanked them for being his friends. He felt really happy this morning he didn't know why though was it because of Draco or that he found someone that makes him happy an wanted him.

In potions they were taking notes and Ron wrote down something on a pice of paper and gave it to Harry.

"So are you and Malfoy a thing now?"

"Yeah you ok with that?"

"Yeah totally he makes you happier than ever, but if he hurts you I will kill him."

"Ok thank you Ron"

Potions was difficult cause Snap was in one of those moods where he didn't feel like having to deal with us and when he's in those moods he usually makes us take a big test at the end of the week.  That's what he did to us.

Once class was over Draco asked Harry if he wanted to study in the library for the test. Harry agreed so they went to the library and he asked him questions Harry was struggling a lot and Draco tried to help as best as he could but he was starting to give up.

"So what do you put in a invisibility potion?"

"Best roots, cats saliva, a drop of snake venom, and and."

"A pinch of clovers. Goodness Harry's are you even trying."

"Yes I am Malfoy! Why do you think I'm not going to pass? So that is what your thinking! Ok sure potions isn't my strongest suit but that doesn't mean shit Malfoy!"

"Wait babe."

"No leave me alone Malfoy!"

Harry stormed off then went to his room he locked himself in it and wouldn't let anyone in. Than Hermione walked up to Malfoy asking him what the hell he did to Harry to make him lock himself in his room and not letting anyone in. Malfoy told him what happened and Pansy, Ron, Hermione, and Blaise stares at him with a are you stupid look. Malfoy didn't know what the big deal was. So Pansy explained it to him.

"The reason he stormed off is cause you said are you even trying and thinking that he wasn't going to pass, which made him mad cause Harry works really hard and try's to at least get good grades."

"Once I saw him stay up until three a click in the morning studying every night just to pass a test." Said Ron

Than Malfoy realized what a big dick he was to him. He didn't mean for it to come out like that. He asked what he should do, they all told him to go up there knock on the door and say your sorry for being a dick head. "And give him these he likes them and might make the situation better." They gave him white roses with chocolates in a box.
"Hey Harry you there."

"Go away Draco I don't want you here!"

That hurt him but he could hear him crying.

"Harry, I brought you some things you like.... oh babe I'm sorry really I'm sorry, I was a dick head for not realizing what I said. What I said was mean and stupid. Could you please open the curtains, please."

Harry opens the curtains a little and Draco comes in and sees harry under the covers. He puts the items onto the desk than sat on the bed and he rubbed his side than left, "The flowers and chocolate are in the desk if you want them." Harry looked at the ring in his finger. Still no answer from Harry, than before Draco could get out the door Harry pulled his wand and closed the door. Draco looked back and saw his boyfriend still under the covers but the chocolates were gone, he realized that he took them with him. So Draco took off his shoes and went to the side of the bed where he saw his boyfriends puffy red eyes, eating the chocolates. He got down on his knees and looked at him and kissed his head saying that he was sorry and asked him if he forgave him for being a dick head.
"You were a really big dick head Malfoy, don't do it again. Your lucky I love you."

"Oh is my name Malfoy now, and am I?"

"Shut up, now kiss me jerk."

Than Harry took his head out of his covers and his hair was all fluffy and big. Draco couldn't stop calling him cute after that. Harry sniffed the flowers and ate the chocolates. Draco tried to steal some but Harry wouldn't let him he kept saying, "These are my apology chocolates not yours." And Draco couldn't help but laugh at that it was to cute.  So Harry and Draco were good after that and Harry raised his left hand up looking at his ring in the light.

"It's beautiful isn't it Draco."

"Yeah it is but it's not as beautiful as you Potter."
He smirked and kisses him on the cheek.

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