Chapter 2

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It was morning and Ron woke up Harry with a shake. He moaned with the bright light letting his eyes adjust to it. Ron tore the covers off of him telling to get up or they'll be late for breakfast. Harry didn't care that much but Ron did. So Harry got out of bed and got dressed. The two boys meet Hermione and Ginny in the common room waiting to walk down together. As their walking Malfoy walks up to Harry and asked him if he would talk with him for just a few minutes. Ron didn't want Harry to go with him but Harry agreed.

The boys went to a empty classroom. And Draco looked at him with a sturn face and he didn't seem happy at all or like his usually self. He pushed Harry and started to talk in a angry tone of voice.
"Were you on the astronomy tower last night?"

"No I was in the library."

"Potter don't lie to me you were on the second floor and you were no where near the stairs or the library!"

"Fine I was sneaking food back to my room cause I didn't eat much after I stormed out."


Draco walked out furious, Harry ran out and said,"See you in detention!" Draco stoped for a second than started walking again. Harry found his friends again at the table and had breakfast, they kept asking what Draco wanted to talk to me I said it was nothing, just about quidditch. They looked at him like he was crazy cause out of everyone Malfoy asked Harry a question about quidditch. Even Harry couldn't believe he said that but he had to tell them something. So then came potions and Snap paired everyone up and Malfoy and Harry got out together the two didn't like it at all. The only reason Snap did that is cause they were going to have detention together. The potion was for invisibility, they had a test rat at there disposal for it. After that the boys went to detention with each other and Snap he left a note for them on the desk. It read,"There is this thing called the pocky challenge and you two are going to do it and your not going to leave until it is done." The boys looked at each other with a weird look on there face but they had to do what he said. The directions were in the back as Malfoy read them out loud their eye widened. He dropped the pice of paper and looked at Harry and said,
"We are not doing that we're not gay!"

" Yeah agreed but I think he wants us to do this to make us friends I guess I don't know."

" By doing that oh Merlin No!"

" We have to or we won't leave!"

The boys pull up to chairs and try to do it. They filed the first, second, third, fourth, and so on. They kept do it but than Malfoy snapped saying he couldn't do it anymore Harry took the unbroken pocky out of his mouth.
"What if I put in my cloak and you close your eyes and pretend I'm a girl."

"That might work let's try it."

So Harry pulls out his cloak pull it over him and holds the pocky in his mouth. They both start to inch closer and closer until their lips touch. Than Malfoy pulls the cloak off of Harry and puts his hand on his jaw line not realizing that it was Harry he was kissing and not someone else. They swallow the pocky in their mouths but Malfoy doesn't stop what he's doing he keeps going. Until Harry pushes him back covering his lips and his cheeks a dark red color. Than the boy realized who he was kissing and he cleared his voice, Malfoy opened his mouth about to say something but Harry cut him off by putting his hand over his mouth.
"Don't day one word about this." Than Harry realized that he smelled fire whisky on his breath.
"Did you drink before this?"

"Yeah Snap told me earlier about this so I drank a little so it wouldn't be a big deal. So why not we continue."

He grabbed Harry's face pulled him in close and kissed him deeper pushing him against chair. He stoped and said that they should get going. The other boy nodded and they went their separate ways.

The next morning in potions Malfoy and Harry next to each other. Malfoy slid a note to harry and it said "You want to be friends?" Harry didn't know what to do he looked over at him than back at the paper and slid it back over to him. He opened it and it said,"Fine, we can try." Malfoy smirked and hid the note in his book. When class ends he looked over to Harry and said," So you want to hang after quidditch practice?"
Hermione and Ron stared at Harry like they just saw a ghost. They ran over to him and started asking questions, too many for Harry to answer so he just said in detention they talked and had a good time together, the next thing he knew was that Malfoy wanted to be friends with him. They just kept talking about that the whole time until dinner. Than Harry left to go to practice and harry an Malfoy were in the locker room, he kept starting at Draco's muscles on his arms and couldn't stop admiring his back and his milky white skin, with his slicked back blond hair. Malloy turned around and saw Harry staring at him he smirked and pointed Harry out that he was staring at him. He turned around really fast and blushes so hard. They went out to practice and he had a pretend game and Malfoy couldn't keep his eyes off of Harry seeing how graceful he was in the air and how determined he looked while playing the game. Now Malfoy was the one who was staring now.

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