Madison's life story chapter 1

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Chapter 1:

Madison's pov:

Today is the first day of school and my best friend Abby told me their is going to be a new guy coming. "Ouch". Some guy runs into me before I can say watch were your going or a snarky comment back he quickly helps me pick up my books and apologizes right away."Sorry". "It's ok". I've never seen you around are you new? "Yeah my name is shawn,shawn mendes and yours is? "Madison Miller, nice to meet you"

"so what is your first class? Mine is math I don't know my way around so can you maybe show me where class is" "sure I'm in that class too". We walk to class together and I ask him a few questions. "So where are you from" I'm from New York" "cool I've always wanted to go there". "Do you have any siblings" yes I have a sister named Aaliyah in grade 9" " I have a brother in grade 9" "what is his name" "Christian". ''So do you have any hobbies". " playing gutiar, hockey and singing"."what about you". "I like to sing,play piano and swim". "We should do a cover one day"."yeah that would be great"."math class is about to start" "ok let's go".

(Madison and Shawn go to class)."Come on let's sit in the front". Mrs.Larsen introduces Shawn to the class and he tells a little bit about himself. After Shawn is done introducing himself he sits down and Mrs. Larsen tells us we are doing group work. I hate group work. She writes the names of the pairs on the board. Shelly is with Jacob. Chris is with Quinn. I always get super nervous about who I'm going to be with. Then Mrs.Larsen calls my name Madison and Shawn. We have to work together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2019 ⏰

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