edwin found himself a few months later still in his bedroom. this time he wasn't shouting his feelings for his best friend. instead he was pacing back and forth with a small child in his hands. the child was wrapped in a blanket, bottle in their mouth as they struggled to stay awake. but with edwin's soothing hums and the gently motion of movement, the baby was closing it's chocolate brown eyes. the baby was his. his and nick's actually. but it wasn't until recently did edwin start to feel as though nick didn't want to be a father. he was never there when edwin needed him, and he was always moving around as if he was keeping secrets.

edwin didn't want to think nick was cheating on him.

at first the younger was fine with nick always leaving. he explained he was working two jobs to help pay for whatever the small family needed. it was sweet, a kind gesture anybody would want. but soon him leaving for work became more efficient than expected. edwin only was able to see him on the weekends, and even then he only stayed for brief amounts of time.

and it wasn't until nick was in the shower one day, with his phone sitting on the bed (beside edwin and their son), did he then randomly get a message from an unfamiliar number. edwin couldn't help but be a little nosey. he stopped making weird sounds for the little boy to look at the message.

if you want to meet tomorrow that'd be great!

edwin of course was confused. he had no idea who miranda was, or why she was texting nick. the younger didn't read into the message though, assuming it was just a friend. he put the phone back where it was, returning to entertaining his son. the phone went off again.

i know you don't want to tell anyone but you should
he might not like this surprise

this time edwin had gotten upset. he wanted to know what nick was hiding from him. many signs point to him cheating, and yet edwin continues to give him the benefit of the doubt. he couldn't control his anger though when seeing nick enter the room with a nonchalant expression. it was as if he wasn't guilty from having secrets.

"who's miranda?"

nick quickly looked at edwin, eyes narrowing. he then looked at his phone, it loosely in edwin's grasp. nick went over to him and stole it.

"how much did you see?"

edwin raised an eyebrow. he expected a different response. hopefully some closure. and when seeing edwin's face, nick knew he should have said something else.

"you're sleeping on the couch tonight."

nick sucked his teeth as he nodded to confirm. he didn't bother arguing with edwin. if he did then the problem would have escalated into something it doesn't need to be. and nick needs to keep his secret for a little longer.

that night edwin stayed up thinking where they might have went wrong. he has done nothing but give nick endless love and affection. that's when he started to believe he was the problem. nick didn't love him back anymore and miranda was his way of showing it.

edwin wasn't going to do anything about it though. his happiness doesn't matter.

sick of the phone, sick of the facetime
we try and we try, but we never make time
girl, it's getting old, don't mean to haywire
but i'll be fine

edwin only a few weeks later had gotten into a argument with nick. the miranda person never stopped texting nick, she even called a few times. it angered edwin to the point where he threw nick out and cried himself to sleep. of course nick tried to explain himself and say it was all a misunderstanding, but edwin didn't care. the two continued to be separated for days, nick calling every chance he could get. he would ask the basic questions to check up on his small family. all he wants is for them to be be satisfied. but every time he called, edwin would only feel his chest burn with guilt.

he hates to say he misses him.

edwin wasn't going to allow him back into his life unless he came clean for what he's been lying about. he wants nick to apologize and say why miranda continues to contact him. he wants nick to say that he still loves him. and everyday he doesn't, edwin's darkest thoughts become reality. nick didn't want him nor his child anymore, and was only with him for entrainment.

girl, you know that i need you
baby, i'll keep you around
give me a reason
baby, i need you right now

when nick had shown up at his doorstep, edwin felt tears swell in his eyes. seeing his face was worse than hearing his voice. nick of course noticed his emotional state and immediately brought him into a comforting hug. edwin didn't resist even if he wanted to. he missed nick's touch and wanted to savour it for as long as he can. for all he knows this was their last moment together, and he was about to leave forever. leave him and their son behind.

"i love you."

edwin removed his face from the crook of his neck, staring at nick through his blurred vision. a grin rose to his face.

"i love you too" they embraced each other. "i don't want you to leave me."

"i promise you i'm not."

my love, you can keep it
this ain't no secret
the only thing i ask

nick held his hands over edwin's eyes while helping his lover walk from their car and towards a front porch. of course the transaction was a lot more difficult than expected, as edwin kept complaining and their son was a lot heavier to carry in his car seat than thought of. but eventually nick gently placed the seat with his son in it down, telling edwin to not look yet. edwin was growing impatient though, opening his eyes without warning. and at the sight before him he gasped. the small family stood in front of a new house. nick was smiling wide as he watched edwin's reaction.

"do you like it?" it was a new voice. a woman walked out the front door, clipboard in hand as she smiled at the family. and on a clip on name tag it read the name miranda. "i told nick it was tacky and that you might not like it, but he wouldn't budge."

edwin looked from miranda and towards nick with a frown.

"this whole time the secret you've been keeping is a new house?" nick brought him in for a hug. "i feel like a jackass. why didn't you just tell me!?"

"i just thought it would be a great way to start our lives together. sorry for not saying anything. but surprise" nick responded softly. edwin smiled at him, giving him a quick kiss.

promise me you won't be gone too long, my dear
promise me you won't belong anywhere else but here, with me
baby, i need ya, i need ya, i do
i can't find my love anywhere with you
so don't be gone too long, my dear

edwin held his son in his hands, rocking him gently as he admired the little boy. the pair was in the nursery. a nursery edwin has always wanted the second he had found out he was pregnant. and now that nick bought the house, he got it. edwin looked up from the child, smiling when he seen nick watching the two from the doorway. he was leant up against the frame, arms crossed as he watched his family with love. edwin motioned for him to come closer, nick agreeing.

edwin placed their son in his crib, before positioning himself next to nick's side. the two gave each other kisses before leaving their son to rest. edwin actually took the chance of their time away. he pulled nick towards the bedroom, giggling as he did so. they fell back on the comfortable mattress, laughing with on another.

"i love the house nick" edwin blurts.

"and i love you."


please request.
sorry that it took so long for me to do.
this one shot made me soft.


𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 ⚣ 𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora