going live

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going live.

famous one shot

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famous one shot.
a short but sweet one shot.


zion propped his phone up on the island that was in the middle of their kitchen, watching as the screen began to count down from three. he shook his bleached dreads out, his face now appearing before him. he smiled at the camera. not too long after, multiple usernames from different accounts had appeared in the corner displaying their comments.

"hey guys!" zion spoke. the only response he had gotten was from the people who he considered his fans. some of them didn't even join for him. some were asking questions involving where the other members of the band were. zion discarded those singular questions to give one final answer. "no one is around and jackson is put down for his nap. you're my entertainment for now."

comments flooded in.

jackson is so cute!

poor zion

shout me out please!

most of the attention he received was positive, only a few times would he get a negative response. and it's not like he hasn't heard all of the terms before. but he could care less, and he makes it known such words don't effect him. then just as the dread-headed male asked one more question, the familiar cries of his son had rung throughout the house.

"i'll be back" zion rushed as he left. many of his fans started wondering what was happening, the comments blowing up with different theories. but of course most of them were spot on with having to attend to his child. everyone adored the fact of zion and edwin having a kid, their fans always supporting them on any social media platform. and even if zion doesn't show it, he loves the amazing feedback he has been receiving.

eventually zion's voice was heard on the outside frame of the camera, his fans once again beginning to comment. soon the new adult had gotten back into view, his appearance now holding a small child he could call his son. the baby was pressed against his chest, most of his features being covered by a blanket. everyone started to freak out and address their satisfaction for seeing the caring side of zion.

omg! he's precious

i absolutely adore them!

"if you guys haven't already met, this is jackson" zion turned the child so he faced the camera. "my son" he then started placing small kisses on the child's cheek. his fans loved it. the band member knew he was going to be seeing videos of the two of them very soon.

the live went on for another few minutes when the front door was heard. zion moved his head the slightest in hopes of seeing who it was, when all he had gotten was voices. he knew who it was though. it was the rest of the boys.

"the boys are back..." zion looked down at jackson. "which means you can go see your other daddy for a while" he smiled. jackson babbled a few of his noises, trying his best to reach out for his father. zion stuck his finger out for the little boy to take, him not hesitating to grasp onto the finger and shake it back and forth.

"hey babe" the familiar voice of edwin spoke as he placed a simple peck onto zion's cheek. the younger of the two returned his greeting, motioning for him to take jackson. edwin didn't think twice, grabbing his son, talking to him with a soft tone. at this point the fandom of such band were showing their delight at the newest family. "did he eat?"

"uh, no. he woke up from his nap only a few minutes ago" zion responds. edwin nodded as he left from the camera to head over towards the fridge. zion watched him prepare a warm bottle, discarding the comments of him being a worried father and boyfriend.

their family is the cutest!

edwin walked over to zion once more, him now feeding the small child. zion wrapped his arms around the older's waist, swaying them from side to side.

"i would say put some music on, but he just went back to sleep" edwin stated. zion nodded to agree, removing himself from his respected partner and grabbing onto his phone.

"alright guys, that's it for now. later!" zion finished. his comments started to pour with no's. he put the camera on edwin one last time, the pair giving a farewell. zion then clicked a singular button to end his live.

please request.
i'm not going to lie, this could have been better.

i'm not going to lie, this could have been better

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𝐏𝐇𝐀𝐒𝐄𝐒 ⚣ 𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚐 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚝𝚜Where stories live. Discover now