Stirring Up Horomonal Female Trouble

Start from the beginning

I squint my eyes and nod. I stare at the blank TV. I groan in pain as I attempt to sit up.

I see Splendor walk into the livingroom in his PJ's. The pants were black and his top was a button up long sleeve shirt with rainbow polka dots. He rubbed his eyes and looked at me.

"Miss Rose?"

"Splendor, have I ever told you how cute you are?"

I say laying on my back and starring at the ceiling. I can feel his smile.

"I don't think you have Miss Rose."

"Well you are freaking adorable." I say wanting to give him a squeeze hug but to squeeze the life out of him. Violent tendencies.

I face plant into the couch with my but in the air. Surprisingly this is comfortable.  Must look stupid, but it feels nice so it is okay!

"Rose, why do you do this to me."

I pull my hand out from under my boobs and stick it in the air in a random direction and point my middle finger to the air.

"I am dying, so you and your dick can go to hell."

Splendor sits next to me, I know it is him from the slip on bunny slippers.

"Not feeling well Miss Rose?"

"Not. At. All."

The first few days are th worst. Then I can tough the rest of it out. Splendor sits me up and hugs me. Why do I want to poke him on his forehead? I have no idea. Offender sits on the couch and hands me the plate of food.

"Offendy! You are up so early."

"I actually got some sleep." He says with a grin.

My gut pain eases up. Let us begin the seven days of sin! The voice in my head said. I guess it would be nice to get all these assholes back.  I smiled devilishly and put the food off to the side. I walk into the kitchen. I grab a pot and a rolling pin. I plop the pot on Splendor's head and smack Offender with the rolling pin.

The pot got stuck on Splendor's head and Offender let out a string of curses. I grabbed five bottles of oil from the cabinets. I douse the whole hallway floor in it. I made some dry spots for me  to walk on. I grab a lighter and turn on the indoor sprinklers. I stood at the end of the hall.

Doors opened up wildly and everyone started to run. Once they hit oil patches they all slid into walls with screams or groans of pain. I laugh but I notice I don't see Slender.

I grab a sharpie and whip cream. I laugh evilly.



The whole house shakes with my name being called like that. Slender is awake!

I laugh my ass off. Jason the Toymaker is stuck to the wall with duct tape along with the Puppeteer, Candy Cane, Candy Pop, and Masky.

Toby it locked in the walk in freezer in the basement. Hoodie is in the corner of the room frozen in what I guess is fear. I stuck paint brushes in BEN and Dark Link's hair with hair gel. Somehow I have them spinning in circles from the ceiling fan upside down as Bloody painter tries to grab his paint brushes. Whenever he grabs one out he gets some more hair too.

Smile Dog and Grinny are peacefully sleeping in their beds undisturbed. I shoved Clockwork's head through an actual clock. I guess you could say that the CLOCK doesn't WORK! I laugh.

The pianist is currently trying to get his arm out of a vase while his other arm is hand cuffed to the fridge. I wrapped Jane and Jeff in Clear wrap together. L.J. and L. Jill were trying to find their candy that I totally didn't purposefully put into the dryer.

Judge Angels and Kiki were locked in the closet with the biggest spider I could find. And that leaves us with the pile of idiots that knocked themselves out from the oil and the Slender brother's.

Trender was sitting in a chair in a demon trap with his arms crossed while I trudged around in crocs. Splendor had a pot on his head. It was stuck. Still laughing my ass off. I rolled Masque in a rug like a burrito. I think he is laughing but he could be crying. Tenderman was tied up on the table with ear muffs on so he can't hear anything. Offender wasn't worth my time, he was laying on the floor laughing so hard he couldn't find the strength to get up. The sprinklers were still going. And Slender....


I have on my uniform still. Just I unbuttoned the top so my boobs were more noticeable and I had my bow tie hanging from my neck lazily. Slender walked down the hall Pissed. Offender lost his shit when he seen him. As did everyone else. I just smirked.

To be continued...

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