Gus and the spider

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THis is a little fanmade rp/script i created. this is if Gus was afraid of spiders and their was one on the murder weapon. lol. if anyone wants to turn this into a comic strip. (i'm still trying to find someone who will) you just have to credit me for the original idea ;) well, enjoy! ^^ 



Shawn: *hand to head, telling jules and Lassy*

"which would make the murder weapon-

*whispers* "gus, grab the murder weapon

Gus: *frozen* i cant

Shawn: what do you mean? Of course you can, just pick it up and-

Gus: no Shawn, you dont understand! I CANT.

Shawn: what are you-?

*sees weapon*

Oh my gosh gus, are you serious?

Gus: of course i am! I'm not touchin that thing!

Shawn: its probably just a dust bunny

Gus: no it isn't, a dust bunny isn't this color or densely compacted and besides, dust only collects on objects that have been left alone for over 12 hours preferably left in dark areas-

Gus: -...- u arnt listening are you

Shawn: Sorry gus, i was just fantasizing about me and Jules getting our own dustbunny.

I would feed him carrots all day long and his name would be Black magic

Gus: shawn.. dust bunnies arent animals. They are made from house dust which is a good percentedge of dead skin cells.

Shawn: i dont think any percentage of dead skin is concidered good. And besides thats nonsense, if dustbunnies are so dead, why did it move?

Gus: exactly! Cuz its not a dustbunny! Its a spider!

Shawn: hm. Is she a friendly one? Maybe she'll spin you a web that says. I eat black tappdancers.

Come on man! Its not going to hurt you.

Gus: you dont know if he doesnt eat black people!

Shawn: Unless hes a racist-mommy short arm

Gus: theres no such thing as a mommy short arm! Its called a daddy long leg!

Shawn: *shrug* ive heard it both ways

Gus: no you havent! Thats rediculous!

Shawn: says the full grown man freaking out with.His girly scream over a tiny spider.

Gus: i do not have a girly scream!

Shawn: are you sure about that?

One word, blood

Gus: thats not funny shawn! If ur so brave, you touch it!

Shawn: gus thats not how it works, im the psychic, you are my partner, you are supposed to get the weapon for me.

Gus: yah right. your just as scared as i am

Shawn: gus its not like u have spiderpansy-syndrome.

Gus: its called arachniphobia shawn. and i DO have it!

Shawn *stares at it*


gus: im not listening shawn you are not convincing me

Shawn: gus its not a spider.

Gus: you gotta bee outta your dang mind!

Shawn: im serious gus, look, its sparkling.

Gus: .......

Shawn: it's an earing!

*turns to thers* im seeing, a sparkle... legs a spider, no an earing-

gus: get outta here *walks away*

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