Chapter Seven

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Asher had not spoken the true reason behind his trip to the village. He desired to know more of River's past, of what had befallen her before she'd come to reside at the boarding house where he had first laid eyes on her. If she had family, she deserved to know. Of course, he could have simply asked River. He did not wish to pry if it was something she did not wish to discuss.

The Madam did not see surprised to find him at her door. With a sigh, she motioned him inside. The door slammed behind him. The boarding house seemed eerily silent. Without a word, the plump woman led him towards a large room in the back.

"You've grown weary of your purchase so soon?" She inquired, settling her frame into the raggety chair behind her desk. She folded her hands, tilting her face upwards, "I would be more than happy to buy her back....for the right price of course."

Asher's face clouded, "You misunderstand the purpose of my visit." He did his best to keep his temper in check, "River is flourishing within my home."

The Madam's lips tilted into a frown. "Oh? Then why are you here?"

"I desire to know more of her past." He explained, "How did she come to reside beneath your roof?"

Madam cocked an eyebrow. For a moment, Asher feared he would return empty handed. Instead, she spoke, "I came across River at a local orphanage. I'd had a girl die in childbirth and was in search of a replacement. She had aged out, you see. She was standing in front of the gates with nothing but the clothes on her back. I offered her residence here in exchange for her services."

His eyes narrowed, "And what services would those be?"

"The same as all my other girls. Alas, she was too fragile for such work. So, instead, she was put to work at my place across the street as a serving girl."

"Fragile how?"

Madam tapped a forefinger to the side of her face, "The poor child could barely speak a word when she came to me."

Asher took a deep breath. The Madame was content to pass judgement upon others but not herself? She had allowed those men to assault River and then had the nerve to act as if she played no part in the way River now was? She was not telling him all he wished to know....that much was certain.

It became clear to him that if she would not tell him what he wished to know, he would have to gain that information by force. In order to do such a thing, he would have to use one of the abilities gifted to him as the God of Death. He must look into her soul. He rose from the chair. The shadows about the room began to swirl.

"What---?" The Madame was powerless to stop the reaching shadows from taking hold of her. They held her in place, dark tentacles smothering any cries that threatened to escape.

"This will only hurt a bit." Asher promised. His hand reached for her, palm pressing against the center of her forehead.

He felt the darkness of her soul before the shadows ever reached it. It was a corrupt thing, full of malice and a desperate need to inflict misery on those around it. She peered into its depths, past the countless other faces of past victims. After a moment or two longer, he found the images that he sought.

The madam had spoken true. She approached the young girl from behind, offering a kind word of encouragement. River did not appear to trust the Madam...not even when she insisted, she meant her no harm and only wished to offer her assistance. The Madame was no hailing angel. Alas, she was simply a devil in disguise. Once River was in her possession, she began to torment River. Asher witnessed the multiple beatings, felt the sting of the her lash as if it fell upon his own back.

Unable to withstand the brutality a second longer, Asher pulled back. He did not remove his hand from the Madam's forehead. His anger getting the best of him, his lips pulled into a snarl.

"What...what are you?" The Madame managed to speak.

His nails dug into her flesh, "I am Hades, God of Death, Ruler of the Underworld. You have been examined and found wanting. The River Styx will be your eternal resting place."

He had never forced a soul to the underworld before its time. Her time was near. He could taste the moment of her death. It was bitter, ash heavy on his tongue. She would perish by fire. The flames would lick away at her flesh, consuming her until she was nothing but bone. She showed the Madame her fate, of what awaited her upon her death. Her screams followed him even as he left her home.

"Hello brother." An all too familiar voice spoke the moment he stepped foot into the street.

"Zeus." Asher spoke through gritted teeth. He turned to face the second born of them, "How did you find me?"

His brother chuckled as if amused by the question, "I have always known where you are. The moment your feet touched this earth, I knew."

"And yet, you do not reveal yourself until now. Why?"

A sigh fell from his lips, hand motioning towards the boarding house. The Madame's screams echoed still, "I cannot have you exposing your true nature in such a manner."

"I have done worse, far worse." Asher replied with a shrug, "She will forget in a day or two. My influence will be doing but a distant memory, something she will believe she conjured herself."

Zeus did not speak. The longer he was in the presence of the youngest of his brothers, the more irate he became. Zeus, the all power, was the reason he had been forced into the underworld. He had claimed all rights to the heavens and earth, forcing the other celestial beings to bend to his will. Asher had refused. For that, he and his followers had been cast into the darkness of the underworld.

"You seemed changed, brother." Zeus spoke, eyes narrowing. He laughed suddenly, taking Asher by surprise, "You have fallen for someone. Now, that is surprising." Again, his eyes turned to daggers, "Who is she?"

"You are all knowing, brother." Asher responded with a shrug, "you should know already."

"I cannot see her face. She is.... she is hidden from me." His eyes popped, "That is not possible. Unless-" Zeus never finished his sentence. In the blink of an eye, he vanished from sight. Asher stood in place, pondering on Zeus's words. How was it he could not see River? He could see all that was beneath his dominion.

Asher shook this foreboding from his skin. He had one more place to visit before his return; the Orphanage where River grew from child to woman.

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