The Time

47 4 2

I looked into his eyes,

And for a moment,

A split second,

I contemplated about the future

What we could be...

If it were possible to love

And to hate

But to still adore above all odds

For a future, with not only happiness

But togetherness

A family

A home.

And as soon as I think that

Not even greater than 48 hours

My forever is ripped away from me,

Causing heartbreak for something that

I never even had.

The time comes again for me to love,

And once again I think of my infinity

To have someone call me mommy,

Someone to cherish and hold me,

Every night...

And once again, forever is ripped away,

Sliding through my fingertips.

And that is when I begin to wonder,

Does love exist?

Or is it just a myth of movies upon a screen?

And that is the question, my friend,

Is love and an infinity unrealistic?

Or is there something wrong within myself?

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