Paint it Black

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"Is he-" Luke started, referring to the blond man in front of them, who had a candle in his hand.

"Alive," Kol confirmed before Luke could finish, then met the man's gaze. It was pretty obvious that the man had been crying. "What are you doing here?"

"You're the ghost hunter guys, aren't you?" the man asked in a non-too-friendly manner. "You're wasting your time. Go away." He tried to walk away, but Kol ran up to him and got in his way.

"What are you doing here?" he repeated. If Luke hadn't been there, he would be in for an ass-kicking for being so pushy. Ghost detection abilities don't help against the living.

"None of your business," answered the stranger. "Stop wasting my time. I'm out of here." He tried to push past Kol, but the medium was having none of it.

"Kol, maybe -" Luke began to say, but then Eve put a hand on his shoulder.

"He's seeing something."

"The dog," Kol said, "he was yours, wasn't he?"

The stranger got angry at that, and knocked Kol to the ground with a single push. "You don't know what you're talking about!"

From his new spot on the forest floor, Kol continued, "The candle, and your puffy eyes - they're signs of mourning. You had a dog and lost it, didn't you?"

The man swung his fist, but Luke caught it from behind before he could actually punch Kol.

"You need to calm down."

Eve went to help her friend up while the man struggled against his captor. "Get the fuck off me, or I'm calling the police."

"And what'll you tell them?" Eve challenged. "That you got physical with a stranger?"

That did nothing to ease the stranger's anger. He was now shaking with rage. "Fuck you-"

"You're not leaving until you answer me," Kol stated simply. "Did you used to have a dog? Yes or no?"

Deflated, the man looked down. He tried to rip free one more time, but Luke was too strong.

"We've got all day," Eve told him.

Then a new person joined them. Making her way through the forest bushes, Olivia stepped into view. "Oh, it's you guys." She then noticed the stranger. "Martin, what are you doing here?"

The man glared at her, and her reaction implied she knew what it was about.

"We caught him sneaking around here-" Kol started, but the redhead shook her head.

"It's not what you think. Let him go."

Luke checked with Kol first, and the nod made him do it. Martin walked away without another word.

"You haven't met the mayor yet, I see," Olivia said. "Or you would know by now."

"Know what?" Eve asked.

"It's the anniversary of his son's disappearance. He and Martin were close friends. It's been eight years by now. I'll take you to the place Martin's headed in just a minute. Let him get it out of the way first." She reached into her bag and pulled out a candle. "A bunch of the townspeople light candles in a clearing not far from here. It's sort of like a prayer for Oliver's return."

Kol thought he briefly saw a silhouette of a man flicker behind the woman, but it disappeared too soon for him to be certain. It did, however, result in a new theory.

"Igor was right. There's more than one ghost."

Luke leaned back against a tree, and Eve wondered how it managed to keep from falling over. "What do you mean?"

"Igor said there was a man, too. That's probably Oliver."

Olivia didn't look surprised. "But we don't even know if he's really dead. No remains were ever found."

"It's just a theory," Kol assured her. "But that actually does serve as further proof. The souls of those who haven't gotten a proper send off are more likely to stick around this plain of existence. Mind doing a favor for me?"

The woman nodded. "Sure. Anything."

A few hours later, Kol, Eve and Luke were watching the townsfolk leave candles at the shrine dedicated to Oliver. Instead of praying for the man's return, they were instructed to say their goodbyes.

"What do you think happened?" Eve asked.

Kol looked around. "There are no wolves, bears or hogs in this forest. If he died here, it was either murder or suicide."

"What about a stroke?" suggested Luke.

Kol shook his head. "He was way too young for that."

"How do you know?" his friends asked in unison, and then Kol pointed at the man walking toward them, dressed in an elegant black tux. He was around Natasha's age, with his hair almost completely silver. The man extended his hand toward Kol, who took it, and they shook.

"You must be mister Kol, yes?"

Kol nodded. "That's right."

"I'm mayor Vaughn. I thought it appropriate that we finally meet."

Eve and Luke exchanged a worried glance. Mayors were hardly ever good news. All they wanted was for the ghost hunters to get the hell out of their towns, not needing the bad reputation. The mayor of a town that survives because of tourism could be particularly bad.

"Are you certain about my son?" the old man asked.

Kol nodded. "That's the most likely scenario. Sorry for your loss."

Mayor Vaughn sighed. "And this will really work? He'll find peace?"

Kol looked doubtful. "I don't know what happens to us when we move on, if that's what you're asking. All I know is that your son has been seen by only one person, which means his hold on this world isn't that strong. A simple goodbye like this should allow him to move on."

"But what about the dog? That is why you came here, isn't it?"

Kol looked toward the crowd of people. Martin was standing off to the side, face blank. "That one might be trickier."

A girl dressed in simple clothes came up to them, saying something in the native language. After a minute, the mayor nodded, then gestured toward the girl.

"Allow me to introduce my daughter, Nikita. She has offered to serve as your guide while you stay here."

The smiled at the group, but Kol caught the especially bright smile Luke received. "Hi, nice to meet you."

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