Hatchet is Back

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Bumblebee drove in front of the others with a tired sigh his processor was aching him and Optimus got into a argument about who leads who bumblebee was sick and tired of being treated like a sparkling he didn't want Optimus as a sire he loved the mech with all his spark be was so busy being stuck in his head that he hit a rock causing him to jump up a bit before slamming into the ground " ugh" " bumblebee are you-" " I'm fine Optimus just a rock " he sighed when he got a beep " our target is just up a head let transform and get ready " bee transformed when he heard a branch crack taking out his hunter he got into a fighting position when clapdown came running out " clapdown what are running form " asked sideswipe " gah" bee turn towards the woods him and Optimus gasped " you" bee watched as his old care taker cane out " ratchet " said Optimus with a smile bee felt jealous but he ignores it " Optimus but how are u alive " the primes rescued me before my spark could give out " " by the mother board it's good to see you " bee gave a smile " hello rachet " " bum-by the primes you've changed are any of our other comrads here " " no but this is my team " said bee with pride in his voice " " ah I'm on the team to " bee smirked " care to step in here " " gahh" bee gave a tired sigh as he enter the scarp yard his new look came with a price he was more tired then usual " ge yawn the pose readyZzzzz" sat down and was out like a light. " Poor bee his new looks most be taking a tow on him " said sideswipe the others all agreed but smiled when bee began to snore little snores " that is adorable" cooed sideswipe before he left with windblade the others beside Optimus and ratchet left as well " Optimus what happen to my sparkling" Optimus gave a tired sigh" after the battle with megatronous Bumblebee spark chamber had exploded with raw power a power that even I do not hold old friend bumblebee was turn into a prime the primes believe that he is ready and that I will be his teacher but -" ratchet gave his friend a look " you still haven't told him Optimus the boy loves just the same prime I know you want to keep him safe well you don't have to he is a leader now he can take care of him self just tell him how you feel " exclaimed ratchet " you are right old friend but when is a difficult time to tell since we are all so busy " Optimus looked down at his bumblebee with a loving look "sweet dreams my spark ratchet " then he walked off ratchet then turn to his sparkling with a fatherly look " little bee wake yourself up " bee woke with a moan " sire ratchet wha-" " got to your berth son " bee got up with a moan and made his way to his berth once their he threw himself upon the bed and slept dreaming of Optimus and himself.
When bee next woke up was do to someone shaking him looking bee saw that it was his sire rachet " good morning ratchet what is it " he asked " time for a check up Bumblebee" bee groan he hated check ups but he got up and followed ratchet out only to bump into Optimus and sending them falling " oaf" bee gust as he landed with Optimus above him he open his optics and blushed " I I yah " he stuttered " are you alright bumblebee" asked Optimus  bee gulped " y yeah I'm f fine can you get off you heavy " he complained he looked into those ice blue optics he saw the want and need in them return the look causing the prime to gap they lean into each other when a cough made then jerk off of each other " are u two done flirting bee let's go for your check up " bee blushed as he left Optimus looking back he saw Optimus glaring at ratchet before the older mech left bee gave off a sigh when he felt the scanner " it appears you all good you spark is alot strong though " bee turn ti ratchet with a raised brow " stronger huh could be the fact that I'm a prime now ratchet cn I -" " yes you may be excused " bee left out of the med bay towards his room when he was jerk to the side and metal lips meet his own causing him to gasp he starred optics widen at Optimus before they closed and he relaxed into the kiss when Optimus pulled away bee was in a daze " whaaa-" bee didn't get to speak as Optimus kissed with more need then before he felt the primes glassom at his neck cables cashing him to gasp " O Optimus ah" bee felt the prime bitting and sucking his cables with a force before the mech pulled away breathing heavily " I've waited so long to have you my Bumblebee ever since you came of age and join the war I could not have you then but I can have you now please bumblebee bond with me let's face life together my spark " bee was in a daze his spark leap with joy and hope " oh Optimus you don't know how much I've been waiting to hear those words yes yes I will bond with you my spark " bee yelp as Optimus picked him up and began to carry him towards his Chambers kissing the hole way.
( Should I right the smut or skip it your choice please comment me and give me some ideas )

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