Chapter 11

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The sun rose over the horizon, spreading its light throughout the tower, I nuzzled up to my blankets as the light glistened through my window. It soon hit my eyes, forcing me awake, I yawned as the birds outside my cracked window chirped with joy, singing their song and spreading the sound throughout the tower. Slowly, I dragged myself out of bed, pushing the blankets to the side. The smell of pancakes took over my bedroom, I smiled as I knew Amanda was here. I slipped on my grey slippers, I headed toward the door then stopped to look out the window. The birds flew from tree to tree, chirping away, i smiled then began heading for the door. Before I left I changed into some of my regular armor and started to walk to see Cayde. While I'm walking over to the Hall of Guardians I noticed some very worried glances over towards its direction. When I finally get over to there I immediately knew why they were worried. Cayde was no where to be found. I ran to his room as fast as i could. When i arrived there i  found a note. It read:

I'm off to go kill this thing...

 If i dont come back (y/n) i want you to move on without me..

 I want a big party dont let anyone be upset...

 And if i dont come back in 3 days time take over the Vanguard for me..

 Dont let Zavala get too upset haha.

Dont come for me i will be back.

                                                                                                  I love you (y/n),

                                                                                                                        Cayde <3 

I was practically in tears while reading this. I wanted to go to my ship and take off after him. But i didnt want to go against his word. I was so conflicted. Why would he do this after what happened to Ivory. I hope he will be ok. I decide to go to check on Ivory. I walked over to the infirmary with my head down s no one would see me. When i got there I went to Ivory's room. She was asleep and looked like she was doing great. I sat down and she woke up. 

"Hey (y/n)*yawn* how have you been holding up" Ivory said in a sleepy voice

"Im alright how abo-"

Suddenly Ivory started seizing and her heart monitor started beeping like crazy. 

"NURSE!!!!!" I called loudly. Where are they. I ran out of the room but i wasnt in the infirmary anymore. This place was covered with moss and vines. I saw a harpy that looked taken. I reached for my (Choose a weapon) but it wasnt there. What I thought where is it . The harpy started to turn around. I blinked and then there was Cayde. He was calling my name but it was distant. I ran to him but the hall just extended itself. (y/n)!! (y/n)!!!! (y/n)!!!!!!  Suddenly I woke up and Ivory was shaking me. 

"Hey are you ok" She said

"C-cayde. Y-You" 

I ran out to the hallway and it was normal. What the hell  i thought. I ran back down the hall to Ivory's room. I looked at the heart monitor. Everything was ok. Why did that happen. Im so confused. 

Cayde POV 

As i was firing at this thing i saw something in the corner of my eye. I just brushed it off but it kept happening. As i was about to activate golden gun someone grabbed me from behing and hit upside the head I saw his, no, its face it was something i had never seen before

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