Chapter 6

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Cayde POV

I walked over to the ramen shop and got the ramen like i said i would. I walked back over to her room and gave her ramen. She ate hers surprisingly fast. "YUUUUMMMMMM" she said. "Sheesh were you hungry i barely took a bite out of mine." i said looking at her like she was crazy. She took her chopsticks and stole some ramen out of my bowl. "Ouch, my self esteem" i said trying to look offended. She shrugged her shoulders while chewing ramen.

~ time skip brought to you by cayde eating ramen ~


I woke up to the beams of sun on my face. "Go away sunlight" i said turning my face into the pillow. I remembered that I were going to pick my class today. I got up as fast as I could and slid of my pajamas. I got the feeling i was being watched. I hated that feeling. I searched my room for anyone. I shrugged it off and got on some regular clothes. When I turn the corner I see cayde and Ivory making out. I whimpered slightly about to cry. Cayde looked over and i ran to my room. I was crying by then. I flung myself to my bed. I cried into my pillow.

~ time skip brought to you by y/n killing fallen~

It had been a few days since i had come out of my room. I didn't want to see Cayde but at the same time i did. He was probably out with Ivory right now. The thought made me cry. I missed my class selection. I couldnt bare to see him even if it was for a few seconds. There was a knock on the door. "Go away" i said. "Im not going away" the voice said. It sounded like Amanda. I opened the door. "Youre a mess" Amanda said. I hadnt looked in the mirror at all since that day. "I figured" i said "I havent looked in the mirror in days." "I can tell you need to get out of your room." she said. "Nooooooooo" I whined. "Yeeesssss" she said mocking my tone. "Ugh fine." i said giving in. I walked to the bathroom and realized how much of a mess i actually was. My makeup was all down my face and my hair was all over the place. I brushed it down and wiped off my makeup. I put on some fresh clothes and walked out with Amanda. We walked to the coffee shop and i saw Cayde slumped over in a chair. "Amanda no i cant." i said. "Why come on we are the only people here." she said. I rubbed mt eyes and Cayde disappeared. "Oh, Ok.". We sat down and ordered our coffee. We talked for a while until she asked "How are you and Cayde?". "Um...........". "Noooooooo you two were so cute together.". Cayde walked in the coffee shop and i rubbed my eyes. This one was real. I ran out of the coffee shop as fast as i could to my room ignoring Amanda as she chased after me.


Ikora: IKR

A/N: Anyway thx for reading and srry i havent been able to update i havent given up on wattpad i swear. Thx for reading LUV U ALL BYE <3

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