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When Anakin awoke he was on Endor watching his son and daughter laugh happily with their fellow rebel alliance members and the furry Ewoks. Suddenly a familiar voice called his name. "Ani? Is that you?" He turned around and his blue orbs were met with the familiar chocolate coloured ones of his wife. "Padme!" he exclaimed happily. "You're here!" She smiled at him sweetly and his heart was filled with an emotion he had only recently been reaccustomed with-love.

"I missed you Ani. I knew there was still good in you. I always did." He pulled her close to him and she rested her head on his chest. He ran his hands through her chocolate brown curls and murmured "I missed you too Padme. Thank you for believing in me. I never forgot you no matter how hard I tried. Every time I remembered you my heart broke even more. I became a depressed, empty shell of my former self. And now that I'm with you again, I will never, ever let you go again. Not for anything. I love you with all of my heart Padme"

"I love you too, Ani. Every time I went back to Naboo to see it again. My heart was filled with agony. Each step became more and more painful as I remembered the days when we started to fall in love in those very places. I missed you more than you will ever know."

Anidala Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن