filled out

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I can mainly feel jimin and jhopes heat of anger. We get to our destination. Its a dark pitch black house. They take me inside to a woman. They sit me down infront of her. Her face had warts and was grey and wrinkly.
Woman-"my name is zelda i need to know everything about you so i can put you in the wolve book so we know where you live and what pack you belong to"
I nod
Zelda-"what's your name"
Jasp-"jasper Grace terrin"
Zelda-"beautiful name"
Jasp-"thank you"
Jasper-"august 5th"
Zelda-"your almost a full grown woman just a few more weeks"
I smile
Zelda-"if your ever in a emergency and your pack isnt around who do you want the wolf hospital to contact first"
I think about it for a moment as they wait for my answer.
She writes it down
Zelda-"have they all marked you"
Jasp-"i don't know actually"
Namjoon-"yes we have"
Zelda-"who's the leader of this pack"
Jasp-"n- alpha namjoon"
Zelda-"i see you had the same rules as me"
She closes the book and she holds my hands.
Zelda-"i need to take some pictures of you "
She gets her camera out and she puts it in position.
Zelda-"now dont be alarmed your wolf form will show up on the first picture and the second picture your human form alright"
She takes the first picture and she pulls it out and she lets it dry. I position my hair side ways and she takes multiple pictures of me and i act like im at a photoshoot. She laughs.
Zelda-"you boys got your self a very pretty puppy"
She puts it in the book. And she puts her attention back to me.
Zelda-"so have you decided which one you want first"
Zelda-"nothing nothing. Come see me on your birthday before 8 o'clock pm"
Jasp-"why that particular time"
Zelda-"just come see me by yourself but let them walk you here"
Jasp-" o-okay"
I get up and i walk out the place and i get back into my cage.

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