~Bass Enterprises Future~

Start from the beginning

~Blair POV~

"How was dinner?" I asked Chuck as he walked into our room. "Well it went just as I hoped." he told me as climbing into our bed. "So she brought up Bass Enterprises?" I ask him. "I've never been more proud she brought up a whole business proposal after I told her about changing the will." Chuck said leaning into a kiss which I gladly accepted. "Good I'm happy," I say and start to lean into another kiss making it more passionate than the last. We where in the middle of doing something when I smelled a smell I only smelled when my children where 5 and 6 "Is that popcorn with movie theater butter and sea salt I smell," I say. "Thanks for ruining the mood but yes looks like our children are bringing back their little tradition." Chuck tells me. "I guess so," I say and lean into another kiss continuing what was going on before the popcorn.

~Kourtnie POV~

"What happened to you I've never seen you this happy K?" Chloe asked me as we set down on the Met steps. "Well guess who just became the new CEO of Bass Enterprises," I yell at the top of my lungs. "K I'm so happy for you." she tells me. "Yeah and tonight I'm going to tell my mom and dad about what I've been up to and gonna stop well except for the occasional one guy a night." I tell her. "Really what brought that up?" Chloe asked. "Well since I also am working on this little hotel named the Empire completely running it with a little help from my dad and," Chloe squeals in excitement before I can continue, "Henry is coming out to my parents." I say. "I'm so happy for you and your brother maybe it gives me enough courage to come out to my parents." Chloe says. "I'm so happy for you too now all the rumors will stop about you two dating. Now we need to get to class even though my dad skipped classes I need to focus due to my future position at Bass Industries." I say as I get up and grab C. hand.

"Daddy I'm home." I say as I make my way to my father's study. "Hello princess did you work on the business proposal for the empty building on 5th Avenue?" my father asked me. "Well I was thinking the building is multi-level and use to be a hotel right in the twenties. So it's bound to have that twenties charm, we refurbish it leave the original architecture that is still pristine and then the other things replace still with the twenties theme." I tell him. "Thats a great idea." he says but before he can continue I interrupt him once again. "Thats not all remember right before you bought the Empire hotel you wanted to open a speak easy. Well I went to look at the building after school and there's a basement. We set it up with a stage, bar, maybe a few gambling tables, and you have yourself a speak easy. We have people enter with a key that they got from a private envelope with 2 others so they can invite two others. Also in case in the invitation is a part they have to play with a dress attire." I tell him. "Kourtnie you are only 16 and I think you just had a better idea than me." my father exclaims. "Well I am Kourtnie Bass." I tell him. "Taking my line now are we." he says. "Well I'm a Bass what else would I say." I tell him. "Good point now let discuss some more details over the property and then tomorrow we go to meet with my property manager and we sign. Also Empire Hotel is down 10 percent on check ins what shall we do." my father asked. "Well daddy that can easily be fixed this weekend Lili Reinhart will be here this weekend and I happen to know she needs somewhere to throw a party for the opening. The Empire is right across from the park and the movie is about a summer camp. Now I've never been to a summer camp before god forbid because where would I fit in and I don't do outdoors but when I think summer camp I think movie on the a screen with blankets. So, we tell them we would put Lili in a room, hold the premiere party, and place for the screening." I tell him. "And a party like that with a big movie star staying at the hotel the check ins will sky rocket. You deserve the last name Bass Kourtnie for sure and I'm glad you're taking over Bass Enterprises." my father tells me and I've never felt happier. "Thanks dad do you want me to call her or her publicist?" I ask. "How do you have her number," my father asked. "I'm Kourtnie Bass" I simply say and dial the number to Lili's cell phone. 

"Ok thank you bye Lili see you soon." I tell Lili and hung up the phone. "So its set Lili loves it and so does her publicist they will be her tomorrow and party this weekend along with premier. I will also get started on taking care of the drinks, get the screen for the premier, make sure Lili gets a suite, and make the guest list along with a list of the biggest stars." I tell him. "Your a natural and you should be set to sign on the alcohol even if you're a minor due to the hotel being signed in your name." dad tells me. "Ok I'll get started on that right after dinner." I tell him and walk in to the dining room dad following right behind me. 

We where half way through dinner when the moment my life was about to change happened. "Mom dad I have to tell you something," my brother began.

K and H finally got the futures they wanted but is all about to change when they drop the bomb on their parents. Only time will tell. You know you love me 

~xoxo, gossip girl

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