Chapter 2

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"R3 what do you think about this mask?" I ask for R3's opinion on a mask. I'm looking for an outfit for when I go out and fight. Kinda like zero.

"It's better then the last. I'd say get it."

"Ok thank you! That completes my outfit!"



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'Now hopefully no-one knows that it's me

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'Now hopefully no-one knows that it's me. I can fight against the Britannian force now!'

"I suggest we leave now, and go to where zero is right now." R3 brings up.

"What? We don't even know where he is right now."

After I said that, R3 points at the tv in the store. I squint my eyes and make out whats on it. It shows a bunch of those robot things and- Zero!

"Oh! I know where that is lets go!!" I yell out of excitement.

'I'm gonna find zero and get him to let me join. Should I tell him about my geass?'

I leave as soon as I saw that broadcast. Paying before I left obviously.

I run to my house to change and run to the scene where Zero was last found.

I didn't even know I could run this fast, or have this much stamina.

Before I could run any further, R3 grabed my hand to stop me.

"Be careful now. There are guards everywhere. Zero is there with a bunch of other Black Knights. You can't just stroll up there and say you want to join. They kight mot trust you scene as you have a mask. You have to make a scene with the Britannian soldiers." R3 explains to me.

"You're right." 'What should I do? I need to get Zeros attention towards m-' I stop mid thought and look behind Zero, where I see a soldier pointing his gun at him. I'm way to far to yell at him, or push him away. I need to make use of my geass.

My eye goes red as I put my right hand put once again to spawn in a larger dagger. Just as the soldier is about to shoot, I run towards Zero while throwing the dagger in thin air directly at the bullet; hoping my dagger would hit the bullet itself.

As I near closer, you could clearly tell that Zero was shocked. As he quickly looked behind him relizing someone fired a gun. Looking to his left, he can see the dagger stabed in the building beside him. Thats when everyones attention was directed towards me. I looked behind me, but to my surprise, R3 wasn't there.

'What am I soppose to do?'

"You should pay more attention Zero. If I hadn't done anything you would have been dead meat." I say as I walk infront of him. 'Dead meat? Who even says that anymore??'

"And I thank you for that. I would also love to chit chat more, but we have a bunch if people with guns pointed towards us." Zero says facing the otjer way with his gun out.

I take this chance to look around me. There were around 9 soldiers.


Make that 8, scene as Zero just shot one.

'What if summon more then one blade? And take a bunch of them at once?'

Taking my idea into advantage, I put both arms up and summon 4 blades in total; taking 4 soldiers out.

"Thats some power you have there." Zero says looking over his shoulder.

"Why thank you." I say taking out another one

When we finished taking those soldiers out. The camera person seemed to have gotten closer with a lady infront of it talking. The lady then turns to me.

"Miss you certainly drew a crowd. What is your name?" The lady spoke pointing the mic at me; signaling for me to speak.

"You shall call me Shadow." (Such a basic name ik)

"Well shadow, would you be interested in joining the Black Knights? You could be a valuable asset." Zero speaks while taking his hand out to shake mine, wanting tonkake an agreement.

I take his hand and shake it gently. "It would be a pleasure"

And with that, I was in the Black Knights. And knows by few as Shadow.

Speaking of shadow, I looked in an allyway in the distance and saw someone who clearly had red hair. Quickly relizing who it was, I smirked.


"Come on!!! We have another person who hides their face!! Hey girl! Don't think I'm going to trust you or anything. Not until you show your face!" A guy who seems way to energetic said.

"Tamaki! Chill out. We trust Zero don't we? So why not trust her?" (Tamaki is easy to spell so I'm sticking with it.)
A girl with pinkish redish hair said walking into the room.

'Wait...thats Kallen? No wounder why she is absent from school all the time.'

"Hello Shadow! I'm K-"

"Kallen?" I cut her off.

"O-oh ya. How did you know my name." She said shocked but put her guard up fast.

"Just a guess."

"Wow. Can you guess my name then??" The guy named Tamaki said.

'Did he not hear Kallen say his name?'

"Tamaki." I answered blankly. Woundering if he was joking or not.

"Whaaat!!! Guys this girl is a psychic!!!" The male was way to excited about this so I just let it slide.

"Hi, I'm Ohgi. It's a pleasure to have you here with us." Finaly. A normal person. But then again...none of us are normal.

"Thank you."

"Give me your phone number." I look behind me to see Zero.

"So I can contact you when the Black Knights need to group up." He continues again.


And with that. Zero had my number, Kallen was secretly a Black Knight. And I am also secretly a Black Knight.


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