Chapter 3

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"Hey look she's waking up!" "Shhh! Don't startle her!" Iron opened her heavy eyes and her world was blinded by the light coming from the world outside. "Nightspot?" She murmured, yet the she-cat was nowhere in sight. "Hey there little one... Don't be scared..." The white she-cat meowed, calmness laced over her tone. "W-where am I?" Iron questioned her as her sight became more and more clear. "You're in Windclan's camp, if you know where that is. You were in pretty bad shape when we found you outside of the camp. Any longer and you would've frozen to death." She explained quietly and looked towards the two cats that were in the den with her.

"These two warriors were returning from patrol when they found you. You're lucky Arthur and Sharpsnap were there little one." Sharpsnap nodded, his face laced with concern for the young kit. "You're going to be alright, ok? You're safe now, and I won't let anything happen to you." Sharpsnap's golden gaze was soft, meaning no harm as the white she-cat left the den as it quite crowded.

Arthur meowed to her, catching her attention, "What is your name for starters? We'll go from there ok?" Iron nodded and meowed shakily, "My name is Iron." Her meow was raspy and each word was croaked like a frog. "You were in bad shape out there and we're going to take care of you until you're able to get out of the den, ok? Arthur, could you grab her some moss so she doesn't sound like she's dying?" Sharpsnap asked his mate and Arthur did so willingly. Did she really sound that bad?

"I'm going to later speak to our leader later to see what we're going to do with you." Sharpsnap told her and she instantly spoke up. "I-I want to join Windclan!" Sharpsnap looked startled as Arthur returned to the den and dropped the moss. He had heard what she said. "You know what, scratch that idea. Arthur we're going now." Sharpsnap stood up from his place and padded out from the den. Arthur followed after him quickly, his tail dragging slowly behind him.

After they were gone, the white she-cat had stepped into the den and picked up the moss and gave it to Iron. "Trying to join Windclan? You're lucky that Ferretstar is lenient on rogues. However, I think we should acquaint ourselves. I am Skyberry, I heard outside that you are called Iron, yes?" Iron nodded to Skyberry, yet she stared blankly at Iron. Skyberry then snorted and meowed, "How silly of me! Iron, I am blind so I am sorry. I have been since I was born. The medicine cat before me, Dovecry took me under her paws and guided me until she deemed I was ready for my medicine cat name."

It dawned on Iron in that moment. How could she had not realized she was blind? Now that it was pointed out to her, it was obvious. Skyberry had a blank, pale blue stare that wasn't at all threatening. "You shouldn't be sorry Skyberry. It's my fault, I should've realized." She dipped her head to the she-cat while she shook her head. "Don't worry about it Iron. I'm going to be the least of your worries." She meowed to Ironheart. Did I say it at the wrong time? She thought, hoping she didn't mess up what Nightspot did for her. Iron was extremely grateful for the opportunity to be able to finally be loved by someone, and she didn't want to mess it up.

She heard a yowl from outside of the den she was currently in. "May all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather around the Tallrock!" A tom yowled loudly that rang through Iron's ears. Skyberry looked at her, "That is Ferretstar, the leader of Windclan. You better behave during this, or you might be looking for a different clan before the sun goes down." Iron gulped and attempted to get out from the nest. Skyberry helped by steadying her as she badly limped out out the den and the whole camp's eyes stared down on her. She saw Arthur and Sharpsnap close together, with what she assumed were their kits surrounded them.

Her paws felt heavy as she got out, yet the cold wasn't as bad as the last time she was out in the open. She sat down shakily, her front paws nearly giving out on her as she did so. She would've fallen if it weren't for a kind old she-cat bracing her. Her pale golden eyes rested gently onto Iron, unlike the hostile glares the other cats were giving her. Ferretstar spoke out to the camp, "I gathered you here today to discuss Iron, and if you don't know it is the cat who was brought here a few days ago. She has spoken to Sharpsnap and Arthur, saying she wishes to become a warrior of Windclan."

Instantly yowls of protest came across multiple cats, all except the old she-cat, Skyberry, Sharpsnap, Arthur and their kits. One pitch black tom in particular spoke out to Ferretstar. "We don't know where her loyalties lie Ferretstar. She could be planning to kill us all!" Many cats roared in agreement with tom, while Ferretsar meowed out above them all, "I doubt a kit her size and that injured could dare even attack a kit here in Windclan. However, I think it would be in our best interest to train a cat like her."

Gasps littered the camp and then angry cries out against Iron made her want to sink lower to the ground than she already was. "Do not worry Iron. These cats are only scared of what you could be, not what you already are." The old she-cat meowed wisely, and Iron nodded to her words. "Ferretstar, what are you saying? Let an outsider into the clan without knowing who they are?" A pitch black tom with white paws cried out. "Hey! I was an outsider yet I proved myself! Watch yourself apprentice. You still have a lot to learn before speaking out." Arthur spat back at the apprentice and he slunk to the ground next to his mentor.

A sudden voice cut in over the cats, ending their squabble before it was too late. "Arthur is right. Times are changing quickly within the clans. In fact, this is the worst leafbare that I have ever experienced and I have been around for many seasons. Every cat needs to be unified instead of lashing out at each other like newborn kits." Everyone quieted down to the old she-cat's words. "Silverdawn is right. Let us not fight in this dire time and instead be unified. I say we let Iron into the clan and see if she truly can become a Windclan warrior."

Iron lifted her head as the cats around her nodded. Her heart swelled as she finally started to feel accepted. "Now there wasn't just letting Iron into the clan, but yet another important ceremony that we hold." Iron looked confused and when she looked towards Sharpsnap and Arthur they were licking their kits fur to look presentable. "What's happening?" Iron asked Skyberry and she just responded with a simple, "Just watch."

"Iron, Redkit, Whispykit and Longkit please come towards the Tall Rock." Iron stood up and limped her way toward the other kits, who were boundless with energy and excited running towards Tall Rock. When Iron got there she looked up towards Ferretstar along with the rest of the kits.

"Redkit, Longkit, and Whispykit, it is time for your apprenticeship ceremony. Let it be known to Starclan that these cats want to follow in your noble ways of the warrior code. From now on until you earn your warrior name you all shall be known as Redpaw, Longpaw and Whispypaw. Redpaw, your mentor will be Gleameyes. May he give you courage during your training. Longpaw, your mentor will be Loudstorm. May he show you agility during your training. Lastly, Whispypaw, your mentor will be Wildblaze. May he teach you bravery during your training."

The warriors got up to their apprentices and touched noses with them. Redpaw was shy while Gleameyes tried his best to get her to look up from her paws. Longpaw was already more than a pawful for Loudstorm and the ceremony wasn't even complete! Wildblaze had to snap Whispypaw's focus towards him to touch their noses. Suddenly, a uproar of the apprentices' names were spoken. "Redpaw! Longpaw! Whispypaw!" Then they sat down, and the only cat remaining was Iron.

Ferretstar looked down at Iron sternly, his small yet powerful gaze striking fear into her. "Iron, you are not of this clan yet want to learn the way to being a clan cat. Do you wish to learn the warrior code and then protect it with your life, even though you may die?" Did she truly want this? She only had thought about it for a few moments, but she knew her choice. Iron gulped and meowed out, "I do!" Ferretstar nodded and continued on, "Then by the power invested to me by Starclan, you will be called Ironpaw until you become a warrior."

Ironpaw turned around to the clan cats, and she expected total silence. What she got was rejoicing and cats yelling her new name, "Ironpaw! Ironpaw! Ironpaw!" It quieted down once more for Ferretstar to finish the ceremony. "Ironpaw, your mentor will be Lynxfur. May she teach you the ways of the clans." Lynxfur padded towards Ironpaw, and she suddenly felt alone with her. The crowd of cats was suddenly gone and it was just Lynxfur and Ironpaw. "You know I won't be easy on you, right?" Ironpaw felt some pride swell in her chest. "I'm ready for the challenge." Lynxfur nodded and touched noses with Ironpaw.

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