The lights dimmed, and the opening credits rolled. Lily couldn't help herself as she reached for Finn's hand and clutched it in her own as they watched. He didn't pull away, and Lily felt hope swell in her chest at the knowledge that it was the second time that evening that he hadn't pulled away from her.

They watched with everyone else, and Lily was amazed at how wonderful it was, she didn't particularly like watching herself, but she had to admit that the entire episode was thrilling, and she was eager to see what the others would look like as well.

She also had to admit that everyone had been right about her and Finn's chemistry. It was apparent for all to see, and when the show ended, and the lights were turned on, Lily turned to look at him. "That's us, Finn, that's not acting."

He looked at her and then her lips. "That's us, Lily," he agreed as applause filled the theater, and the moderator invited them all up to the stage. "You realize that after tonight everything will change, right?" he asked.

Lily had no idea if he meant between her and him or her and the world.

The curtain on the stage rose, revealing a line of chairs with a low table in front and bottles of water for each of them. Mason, Lily, Finn, Jo, and Tom walked down the aisle and climbed the steps onto the stage; they were all smiles. They took their seats and looked at each other as they were all handed microphones.

The moderator welcomed them all; giving their names and their character names before she settled into a round of questions about the show. Of course, they couldn't reveal anything in the upcoming season, but they could hint at the drama that would unfold. Everyone, including Jo, was very complimentary of Lily, saying what an excellent addition to the cast she was and that it made them stronger as a team. Lily did her best to keep a straight face when she smiled at Jo in thanks.

"Now, let's put the new cast member on the spot, shall we?" the moderator asked with a smile.

Lily felt her stomach drop at the words, and she cleared her throat nervously.

"Lily, why don't you tell us something that you learned about each of your castmates as the season progressed and then they can all say something that they learned about you." She smiled sweetly, but Lily had a distinct impression that the moderator was trying to cause trouble.

"Alright," Lily agreed, not having a choice in the matter.

"Why don't you start with Mason?" she suggested.

Lily looked at Mason with a grin. "What did I learn about Mason?" she took her time, studying him in the process as if she was going to spill a secret. "I learned that Mason is a family man, who is madly in love with his wife and daughter, loves his mamma, and treats everyone on set as if they are part of his family too."

"I guess that means you're a go for the next season," Mason joked with a return smile.

"Jo?" The moderator asked, not impressed with her answer.

"I don't want to give too much away, but there was a fight scene, and Jo kicked butt. I had no clue she was so tough." Lily smiled sweetly at Jo, that had been harder than she thought it was going to be. Lily looked at Tom. "And Tom, Tom plays a big tough guy, but he is really a big teddy bear, and he is crazy about Jo."

Tom looked pleased by her assessment and reached out and grabbed Jo's hand, squeezing it.

"What about Finn?" The moderator asked, looking over at Finn who was reclining in his seat, the epitome of a relaxed movie star, but Lily could feel the tension coiled in him like a spring.

"Finn," Lily said, looking over at him. "I didn't know that Finn was a decorated Navy SEAL in his previous life." A murmur went through the crowd as she revealed the news. Finn smiled a smile that could have meant anything, so Lily turned to look at Mason, and he winked at her, letting her know that she was cool and hadn't revealed anything she shouldn't.

The moderator spent some time gushing over Finn and Lily was sure that if her response to the news were anything to go by, the show would be a hit this season once word got out. Lily only hoped she hadn't revealed too much and someone found out about his leg.

"Relax, Lily." Finn leaned over and whispered in her ear. "It's not classified, and Mason looks pleased that you shared."

"Now, Mason, tell us something you learned about Lily."

All attention focused on Mason, who was wearing his charming grin. "She has the voice of an angel."

"Surely not better than Cassandra's?" the moderator asked, shocked.

"Better!" Cassie called from the audience, and everyone laughed.

"She actually just finished recording an album with Elias Emory," Mason bragged as if it was all his doing.

"Did she really?" the moderator said weakly. "Jo?" she looked at Jo, hopefully. The woman truly had it in for her, and Lily couldn't figure out why.

"I learned that Lily is a total klutz," Jo said with a laugh. "She caused a blackout on set her first day!"

So much for playing nice, Lily thought.

"Yes, but it landed me in Finn's lap for a solid five minutes until the lights came back on," Lily smiled charmingly to take the sting out of her words. "But I must admit to being very klutzy, especially when I'm nervous. I'm lucky I didn't fall coming on the stage tonight."

"I learned that she's an excellent horsewoman," Tom said, changing the subject quickly. It was true that she and Tom had had a few discussions in their downtime about horses. It was a passion that they both shared.

"So is Mason," Lily supplied, knowing he too had grown up on a ranch.

"Is he really?" Tom asked, looking at Mason with a grin. "See, we're always learning new stuff about each other."

"Finn?" The moderator over at Finn with a smile while Lily held her breath. His answer was the only one that mattered.

"I learned how very easy Lily is to fall in love with," Finn said, looking at Lily with a tender smile.

There was a squeal from the audience that sounded just like Cassie, but Lily didn't hear it, she didn't hear anything as she looked over at Finn with her heart in her eyes.

Had he just told the world that he loved her?

Mason said something that made everyone laugh, but Lily didn't hear it, she didn't hear anything as the moderator wrapped up the rest of the question and answer session and the audience clapped and cheered them off stage.

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