the first time i flew

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i did it

i finally did it

i grabbed the umbrella

and i flew towards a new life;

a new hope for the future

and as i flew

i learned a few things

such as

you should not hit trees

because they scratch you and bring you down

you should avoid flying too close to the ground 

for you may fall and hit yourself

and there are jagged rocks

like insecurities

ready to give you wounds and scars

that bleed

but don't fly too high either

for there are always birds waiting to pluck your head off

but if you know how to maneuver yourself

and just keep your head held high

then you will discover

what a wonderful world it is

and you will marvel

and wonder

why you forgot to take it all in before

and realize how special it is

now that you have recognized its specialness

i sighed

at the marvelous feeling of the wind

blowing through my face

and i flew towards someplace

where there is a change to be made

and better and brighter day

for everyone

how wonderful it is!

it was marvellous to feel the wind

swaying my umbrella

tossing me forwards and backwards,

and sideways

and i finally felt free

because i was floating

on the wind

and i swaying precariously from side to side

but it was a beautiful kind of swaying

the kind where you look down at everything

and gasp at how majestic it is

and the kind where you take a deep breath

and embrace the thrill 

despite the danger

i knew something had to be done

to further the good in this world

but i enjoyed my time alone

because it gave me time

time to gather my scattered thoughts

time to formulate a new plan

time to just let go

and be just me

and it was wonderful too

for after you have escaped the prison you built for yourself

and escaped the second prison others have built for you;

you will finally, truly realize

the world you are in is beautiful

you are beautiful

everything is beautiful

even the umbrella i am clutching

is beautiful 

in its own way;

and you will also realize

that you are free

and you will rejoice

for you shall realize

you are brave

you are strong

inside out


A/N: hi guys, so tell me what u think 'bout this, and g'bye.

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