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(AN: hope you like it!!)

There's only a few things that truly hurt Lena Luthor. She had always considered herself a strong independent woman. But it's hard to be strong when your whole world just came crashing down. Lena had just finished killing her brother. That wasn't the worst part because lex deserved every single ounce of pain he felt. But Lena didn't deserve pain. Lena didn't deserve the horrible feeling in her chest telling her to just disappear. The beautiful woman didn't deserve the heartbreak and betrayal she was feeling. "Kara Danvers is supergirl" those four words had been circling the Luthor's mind the whole drive to Kara's apartment. Lena didn't know what she was hoping to get out of the little visit to the supers home. But she did know one thing. This hurt like hell and Kara was going to understand that. One way or another. Lena was not a force to be messed with. Kara would feel all this anger, all this pain and hurt and all the horrible feelings in the world. Lena was feeling everything.
The green eyed women banged on the apartment door.
"Coming" the blonde blue eyed reporter shouted from the other side.
Lena took in a series of deep breaths before kara finally reached the door and let her in.
"Hey Lena ho- are you okay? You look a little sad"
At that Lena chuckled. A little sad. That was an understatement.
"A little sad?"
The Luthor stepped dangerously close to Supergirl.
"Lena wh- what are you doing why are you so close what's wrong?"
Kara was very nervous she didn't know if this was good. She had obviously been in love with Lena for years. Maybe Lena finally noticed. Could that be good or bad?
"How could you not tell me!"
The Luthor placed a single finger on the supers chest.
"Take off your shirt or so help me good Kara."
Kara squeezed her eyes shut in sadness and frustration. She had been trying to protect Lena for years and now that she knew, things could only get worse. Kara sighed and shook her head silently agreeing and taking a step back. The reporter made the mistake of looking into the Luthor's eyes. All she could see was hurt and anger. Lena was broken all because of her and that hurt Kara more than anyone would know.
Lena watched as Kara unbuttoned her shirt painfully slow. Tears flowing freely down her chest when she saw just what she expected.
Lena balled her hands into fists and instructed Kara to take off all her reporter clothes. Kara obeyed and soon enough a shakey Lena Luthor was destroyed in front of her. Neither woman knew what to say or do.
Lena reaches out and traced the large symbol on the supers chest. She suddenly struck her hands roughly on Kara's chest. Of course this had no effect on Kara physically but mentally Kara was hurting more than ever.
" Why didn't you tell me? Because you can't trust me? I feel HORRIBLE!" Your broke me Kara Danvers"
With each word she spoke the Luthor continually struck Kara in the chest with her clenched fists.
"Lena I- I didn't mean for you to find out this way"
Lena struck harder and harder.
"This way! How the hell? You were never going to tell me because I'm a Luthor. I'm not good enough for anyone. Everyone leaves me there's something wrong with me kara! I thought you were different"
Kara's heart sank. Those words "because I'm a Luthor" triggered something deep inside the woman.
Kara continued to take the blows to her chest. Physically and metaphorically. Kara finally had enough when Lena's knuckles started to bleed and the woman's blood was soaking through her super suit. Kara softly grabbed Lenas hands. By now her punches had become slow and weak. The Luthor had been crying and swinging rather aggressively at Kara for a few minutes and it was sure to make her tired. Lena collapsed into Kara's arms with a sigh of defeat and quiet sobs full of anger and sadness.
" I thought you were with me always. I thought I found my permanent game night partner. Please tell me Kara, tell me it wasn't because of my name. Because hell i would change my name just if it meant I would get a chance to make things normal again. Get a chance to be.. be with you Kara."
Lena whispered weakly into the supers ear. Kara was the only thing holding Lena up at the moment. Which felt very appropriate considering Kara had been there for Lena through everything. Lena can't ruin that.
" I- I have to go Kara I'm sorry this was a mistake I understand why you lied to me."
Kara tilted her head to the side and raised an eyebrow slightly. Lena basically just confessed her love and she sure as hell wasn't letting her go now. Kara quickly grabbed Lenas hand spinning her around and pulling the woman into her strong arms. Lenas eyes showed signs of mixed emotions. A light gray mixed with a beautiful green and ocean blue. Usually meaning Lena felt uneasy or confused.
Kara couldn't help but crack a small smile. She considered Lena the smartest person she knew and of course she couldn't figure it out. Kara snapped out of her head and shook her head quickly at Lena.
"Lena no you don't get to leave I um want a chance with you to. I love you Lena. I have for a long time. You truly have the purest heart and most beautiful soul in the whole galaxy and I've been to 14 planets" Lena looked deep into Kara's eyes. She couldn't sense anything but genuine love and how couldn't she forgive the perfect woman in front of her. Lena nodded and tilted her head ever so slightly to the right. It was only then that both woman noticed how close they were. Kara began to lean in. Hey eyes never leaving Lenas lips. How could someone this beautiful be interested in me Kara thought. Clearing her mind of any negative thoughts she leaned in daringly close to Lenas lips. Looking up and meeting her eyes for approval only to be met with a quick nod. With that Kara leaned in and gave it her all.

The Next Morning...

"I had lots of fun darling" Lena sent a wink and a flirty look in Kara's direction. Kara blushed at Lenas statement knowing exactly what she meant. Of course both Lena and Kara had been a little rusty, that was a given but as soon as both girls were reminded of their wild past lives they came to their senses and helped eachother out a little bit.
"Yea love, that was definitely the best I've had in.. well I would like to say a while but if I'm being honest it's the best I've had since always"
Lena smirked and flashed a bright cocky smile.
"Well I wouldn't want to toot my own horn but... I'm pretty great."
Kara giggled and nodded her head yes. How could Lena already forgive her for everything. The woman beside her. Now tucked under a strong protective arm, had a brilliant smile on her face and looked so happy and content but Kara didn't understand.
"Lee, I um about last night. I'm so sorry for lying to you for so long. It's just at first i obviously couldn't just walk into your office upon first time meeting you and just blurt out all my secrets. Overtime so many horrible things were happening to you and I didn't want to hurt you even more. You needed me to be there for you and I was."
Lena smiled and kissed Kara gently on her lips.
"Be here for me now?"
Kara smiled her brightest smile and pulled Lena in close.

(AN: this is the reveal we deserved idc idc. But supercorp endgame ya heard it here folks. Oh btw this whole chapter is high key a vent)

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