Youre attacked

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You are out clubbing with a few of your friends. You are wearing a white oversized T-shirt with a belt around your waist with shorts beneath and a pair of Nike Air Force ones nothing too over the top but it's comfortable. You have a couple of drinks you start to feel tipsy but that doesn't stop you from dancing away with your friends you go to get a round of drinks for you guys and there's a tug on your arm, you turn around and no one is there you just brush it off and have another drink and dance with your friends. You then tell the girls you are going to go home you text your boyfriend
To brad x
I'm on my way home x
And then you head home but on your way home and you hear footsteps coming behind you but you don't think anything of it as you hear the footsteps get closer you walk faster and the footsteps match yours so you start to panic and wish you had gotten a taxi this walk seems to be taking longer than usual suddenly a hand grabs your arm and pulls you into an alleyway which makes you scream but a large hand is placed over your mouth aggressively.
"What's a pretty girl like you walking about at this time alone" a man with a rough voice asks
"I'm going home" you reply weakly
"No you are not, not yet anyway I want my fun first" he says with an evil laugh
"I don't want to have fun" you say as you try to walk away but you are grabbed even tighter by the wrists and you look at the man and he has a large face with a long beard covering while of it and dark eyes that are almost pitch black
"Well I want fun and you're going to provide aren't you?" He says with a smirk
"No get away from me" you groan and he digs his dirty nails into the skin of your wrist and then he moves his hands to your hips and he grips them tightly again with his nails piercing the delicate skin and then he pushes you against the wall which makes your head hit off it and you fall to the ground. The man then takes your underwear and painfully rapes you as you cry and scream but It seems like no one is around. He slaps your face, kicks your stomach many times and leaves you there unconscious.
(Brads PoV)
Y/n told me she was on her way home half an hour ago and it's a ten minute walk to get home so I start to worry and phone to ask her friends where she is but they told me she was on her home so I start to panic and go in my car and drive around the area and then I see her lying unconscious in an alley way with her clothes all ripped up and cuts and bruises all over her body. I run out of my car and go over to her and I notice she's bleeding down there and I know what's happened and I could cry for her and I'm honestly so angry how could some guy touch my girl? How could they do that to a women who was living her life and not hurting anyone. Since her clothes are all ripped I take my hoodie off and place it on her now basically naked body. I gently pick her up and place her in my car as I drive she starts to frown and move around what she wakes up, I look over and see her crying
"Baby it's okay" I tell her
"Brad I'm in so much pain and I feel so dirty" she tells me as she cries
"Baby ill run you a warm bath as soon as we get home and we will disinfect all your cuts" I say softly and she just nods. We arrive home and I get out the car and quickly run over to her side as she will be in too much pain to move but she tired to get out and her legs just collapse but luckily I caught her before she fell. I then pick her up and place her on our bed while I run her a bath I put bubbles and a bath bomb as I know she will like that I then walk over to her pick her up again and take my hoodie off her as I place her in he bath. I notice cuts and bruises all over her, from head to toe and I feel awful but I can't do anything but be there for her. I go to leave the bathroom but she stops me
"Please stay" she begs
"It's okay baby I'm here" I tell her and she weakly smiles and I hold her hands carefully and after a while she tells me she wants to get out so i lift her out dry her body carefully and then grab some antiseptic lotion and place it on her cuts and she hisses
"It's okay baby" I say and she just nods and when I'm down I grab one of my hoodies and some of her underwear and put it on her. I then lift her to bed and tuck her in before cuddling up
"Thank you for helping me" she says
"It's okay I love you so much" I tell her and then we both fall asleep.

💝💝Thank you so much for 58k reads!! x
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