Request- sick

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Request for Shannon1300

Shannon's Point of view
I come home from work and wonder where Brad is as he's normally sitting on the sofa or something so I walk around our house into the recording studio and everywhere up until i hear him in the bathroom throwing up so I quietly open the door and gently rub his back
"Are you okay?" I ask softly and he just groans and continues to be sick as I rub his back to calm him down a bit. After a minute or so he's done throwing up so I pass him a tissue to wipe his mouth and then give him the mouth wash to get rid of the nasty sick taste in his mouth
"Go to bed babe" I say to my very sick boyfriend he then hobbles over to our bed and tucks himself in with many blankets and cuddles up to his goofy stuffed animal. I carefully sit down on the bed beside him and brush my fingers through his soft curls and that's when I feel his burning forehead
"Wow you're burning up" I tell him
"I don't feel well" he groans as he hides under the covers
"What's wrong? How are you feeling?" I ask softly
"I feel so sick and my head really hurts" he whines
"Wait there" i say as I go and grab him some medicine and tablets alongside a glass of water. I then come back and sit the glass down on his bedside table
"Take these tablets and a spoonful of this" I say sternly
"Shannon I don't want to" he whines
"Why not?" I ask
"It tastes gross" he says sounding like a child
"Babe I'll take goofy off you" I warn as I grab it from his hands
"No give me him back" he begs
"Not until you've took your medicine brad" I tell him and he pouts and gives me the puppy dog eyes
"Please" he begs again
"Brad I'm not telling you again if you take the medicine you can have goofy back" I say as I play with his curls but then stop
"Keep going" He says as he puts his hands around my wrist and brings it back up to his head which makes me giggle and then he sits up and looks between you and goofy
"Come on take the medicine and you can have goofy back" I tell him with a smile and then I pass him the medicine which he takes
"I'm done" he says
"Well done" I tell him and i pass him goofy but he gives me it back with a groan
"Two things number one you didn't fill him up with love and number two I want kisses" he says with a pout and I kiss away his pout and unzip goofy and 'fill him with love' which his mum used to do for him when he was younger and then he wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me down onto the bed
"Cuddle me" he begs staring into my brown eyes
"Okay" I say as I get under the covers and cuddle up to him and we fall asleep but a few hours later I'm woken up by him whimpering and kicking around and there's now a thunderstorm where did that come from? But brad hates thunderstorms which explains why he's kicking and crying. I place my hands on his bare shoulders and gently shake them
"Brad babe wake up" i whisper into his ear which makes him up and he's so sweaty and panicked
"What happened?" He asks wiping the sweat from his brow
"There's a thunderstorm but it's okay I've got you" I whisper into his ear and he wraps his muscular arms around me and I play with his hair which always calms him down
"Are you okay?" I ask worriedly
"Better now you're here" brad says and I place small kisses all over his face which makes him giggle and forget about the storm which was my aim.

hope you enjoy it if you don't I can edit it x
Requests are always open so just send me a message if you want one x
💝💝Thank you so much for 19k reads! x

Brad Simpson imagines bws the vamps Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora