The Start of Something New

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Grade 2. Second year of schooling, third if you have been to prep, the year that Lily missed due to being born so late in the year. With a short breath and weeks of dreading being alive, the day had finally come. January 28th. The first day back at school, hours of searching and hundreds of dollars spent on books the children were to finally go back to school. The parents get that break that 'is well deserved'.

School started like any other for Lily, she walked into the room filled with other children her height and age, some taller, some bigger in figure but the same nonetheless. Blonde hair, brown hair, light and dark skin children littered every inch of the room. Without hesitation she found a seat. The very back, the seat without anyone around, the seat that everyone avoided. She preferred it that way, to be alone without the world distracting her from her thought. She spent the time you were supposed to use for finding friends reading, the latest author she had taken a liking to, John Grisham, had several books on different topics, sparking her interest she began reading 'A Time To Kill'. trying her best to ignore the laughter, tears and commotion she endeavoured in the sweet bliss of the words carrying her far away, to the place of the novel showing the horrific events and sweet moments that were shared throughout. 

All great things have to eventually end though, am I right? Soon the very women who was to fill our curious minds and answer what seemed to be the unknown at the time, entered the room, she was unlike the teachers that Lily had encountered before, she was younger and had a genuine vibe about her. Mrs O'Maira was her name. Her long brunette hair flowed down her shoulders, defining her jasmine eyes, making them shine brighter in the sunlight that poured in through the windows. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2020 ⏰

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