Part Three

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Thank you so much guys for voting and commenting on the previous part.

Madhubala gets out of the car and walks to the house determined. She had controlled her emotions. She had put her disappointment and pain in the back burner while she focused on her fury. RK was going to finally see her fury.

She was about to walk in when Malik comes in front of her.

"Madhubala..." Malik says feeling relieved as he opened his arms for her.

"Papa..." Madhubala, though hurt with what he had done, was too relieved to see her father. Madhubala hugs her.

"I missed you. Why did you take so long?"

"Don't talk to me. I'm very angry with you!" Madhubala tells him as she hugged him tight.

"I know, baby. I am sorry. I couldn't let you marry him. he wouldn't have loved you or protected you like RK."

"I know." Madhubala whispers.

"Madhubala..." Mohan says happily smiling at her from behind her father.

"Mohan Uncle." Madhubala says happily as she ran to him and hugged him happily.

"Don't ever go away like that." Mohan scolds her as he hugged her.

"I learned my lesson." Madhubala mutters irately, though feeling so overwhelmed being home finally.

Seeing Rudra behind him, Madhubala couldn't help smiling at him. She walks to him and hugs him happily.

"Finally!" Rudra says happily.

Madhubala couldn't help chuckle then she sees Om standing behind Rudra. If she didn't know better she would think they were lined up like that.

"Welcome home, Bhabhi." Om says happily smiling at her.

Feeling elated, Madhubala runs to him and hugs him and then she curses loudly. "BLOODY HELL!"

"What did I do?" Om asks chuckling.

"He made you all line up like this, right?" Madhubala asks suspiciously. "So, when I finally meet him then I am not angry but happy?"

"I don't know about that but yeah, we were asked to take positions."

Madhubala tried to be angry but as much as she tried, she just couldn't bring her anger to the foreground. She was just too happy, relieved and ecstatic to be back with her family.

"Madhu..." RK calls her as he came up next to Om.

Madhubala starts to frown at him as she tried to be angry, but then she just couldn't. It felt like a life time since she last saw him. and he was looking at her with so much love, she just couldn't even hold on to her frown. Om steps aside and RK without a word hugs her.

The moment he enveloped her in his arms, she felt home. She decided to keep her issues with him aside for a moment and hugged him.

"Who made you cry?" RK asks her.


"Who else, Madhubala?" RK asks her furiously.

"Leave it. It doesn't matter now."

"It matters! I want to know."

"I don't care what you want." Madhubala tells him angrily as she stepped away from him.

"Fine! You know what I'll do then." RK tells her in a challenging tone.

God! He was going to torture and question every single person that she interacted in the last couple of weeks. "I got a job and when they found out I am your wife, they fired me. okay?"

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