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A/N: Civil War happened, but they talked it out like fucking adults because they are fucking adults. Fuck Infinity War, fuck Endgame, Homecoming happened but no Tony. Peter made the better suit himself. K, chill ✌🏼 it's a long one, be ready!⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNINGS: MISSING FATHER(RESOLVED), BULLYING, MENTIONS OF ABUSE, DRINKING WHILE PREGNANT, RESULTS OF DRINKING WHILE PREGNANT⚠️⚠️

Peter knows his 'dad' isn't actually his dad. He doesn't know who his dad is... he has vague memories. A man's beautiful singing voice, gold, shards of rainbows, soft black hair with a nurturing smell, and a figure he would curl up with and fall asleep against every night. But he couldn't piece together anything substantial. Before he was even one, he was given to his real mother, Mary Parker, but he always wanted to find his father. His real father.

(Y'all I know what ur thinking and y'all are WRONG)

The day that changed his life. The day the field trip was announced.

"Alright, kiddies, listen up! We've emailed all your parents and they have all granted permission for you all to come on today's field trip! We are going to a very prestigious science institute!"

Everyone in the class groaned.

"Turn those frowns upside down, kiddos! We're going to Avengers Tower!"

Everyone cheered, then. Peter immediately shoved in his earplugs, but cheered with the rest of them.

(Y'all I love Bronya she's a mood so I'm bringing her back. She's Peter's service dog btw.)

Bronya recognized Peter pushing in his earplugs and gently licked his hand, just to remind him she was there and ready to help.

"Alright, kiddos, hop on the bus!"

The kids filed up as Ned and Peter excitedly did their handshake for at least the tenth time that day and talked about whether or not they would get to meet Dr. Banner or Tony Stark. Bronya trotted along happily in a tight heel next to Peter.

They all loaded up the bus with only a little trouble from the bus driver about Bronya.

"Why don't you just get rid of that stupid mutt, Penis? It only causes anyone trouble!" Flash's taunts triggered Peter a little, but Bronya gently nuzzled his leg and Peter retaliated.

"This 'stupid mutt' have saved me from so many panic attacks that I owe her my life, which she has also saved at least twice. If anyone else is taking Bronya it's over my dead body."

The news that Bronya had saved Peter's life, either from an attack/fire or abusive guardians of suicide, shocked Flash to silence for the rest of the ride. The truth was... Bronya had saved Peter from drunk May at least five times, actually. Bronya jumped up onto the seat next to Peter, sensing his stress at admitting this to his class. She snuggled into his side. He scratched her ears and closed his eyes, scumming to Ned's soothing rants and the lack of sleep due to Spider-Manning last night to avoid May.

As soon as they arrived Ned shook Peter awake. Everyone got off the bus and walked into the building, all of them stopped to stare in awe.

"C'mon, kiddos. The tour guide's over here." Mrs. Warren led them to a kindly looking girl with a past in her eyes.

"Hello. Midtown High, correct? My name is Ava Starr, better known as Ghost. I will be your tour guide today." The crowd cheered softly. She started by handing out visitor passes to everyone, then led them to a conference room. At every seat in the room had been placed a testing sheet.

"Alright, now, you will all sit at a spot on the room and do the official Stark Industries Internship Test!"

Everyone took a seat and picked up a pencil from the bucket Ava offered, then got to work. Some people whispered answers back and forth to each other, and others tried to block out everyone else and focus on the fifty incredibly difficult chemical combinations and equations in front of them. Peter, pushed in his earbuds once again, and worked on his test silently. He flew through it, basically, all of it was pretty simple stuff for him. Bronya curled into a ball and snuggled against his leg, making sure to still be conscious of how Peter was doing.

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