There was a real sense of community, of family. So far, I had not heard one complaint about doing this. They were off in groups, working together, usually smiling, often laughing. They weren't grumbling, or stomping around. If anyone had come upon us, they would never have guessed that most of them had never met us before. It was nice. Coming from a small family, this felt wonderful. I went back to work after lunch, directing Michael to help in our room, while I helped in the kitchen. All the while Damon helped with the larger furniture and heavy boxes.

I felt pulled to him everytime he passed me. I grabbed a box of dishes meant for storage and headed to the trucks outside. One for storage, one was going to Damon's house. No, I didn't specifically go outside to see Damon, it was just a bonus. Promise.

~Sure, keep telling yourself that.~ Snow snarked at me. I was going to say something back to her, but was interrupted when I nearly swallowed my tongue. Damon had just finished putting a mattress, I think mine, into a truck. He stopped to catch his breath, tearing off his shirt and wiping his face with it. Jesus that boy likes to go around half naked around me.

~I like him going around half naked.~ Snow sighed out dreamily.

'Shush. But I agree.' I whispered back, trying not to ogle him too much. Seriously, though, he was too much eye candy to resist. Good gravy, he was temptation personified.

~And he's all ours.~ Snow purred. For once, when it came to Damon, we agreed. If I felt like this now, how much worse was it going to get? I wanted to chart every inch of him with my eyes but at the same time cover him up so noone else could see what was mine. Yet another wave of Heat came upon me and I let out a whimper. I wasn't sure how long I could hold out like this. Damon looked up and stalked his way to me, his eyes almost laser targeting me, his nostrils flaring. He grabbbed the box out of my hands and set it down. Then he grabbed me and hugged me close, growling at something over my shoulder. Whoever, wouldn't attack us now would they?

I peeked over at the ones Damon was growling at. It was a few members of the pack! Damon acted as if they were strangers! They quickly submitted, showing the cranky Damon that he was boss. What was going on? Another ripple of heat flowed through me, and I cared less about what was going on and more about how much of Damon's body was pressed to mine.

"Jesus! It's getting worse. Isn't it?" I asked him. Damon seemed to ignore me as he was still eyeing the men that had left the house. A very wolfy snort left him as they meandered back in. Then his electric blue eyes turned on me. Those blue orbs swirling with gold were dang near hypnotic.

"Yes, it's getting worse. Prepare yourself and Michael. Marriage vows or no, the next time I smell you going into heat will be your last." He leaned in closer, putting his mouth to my ear. "Believe me. He will need the warning. As I don't plan on you walking for a while." With that he let me go. Turning and hefting up the box he had taken from me and put it in the appropriate truck. I stood there like a fox caught in a trap. Torn between wanting my heat to hit again and not wanting it to. He walked past me toward the house, giving me a dark look through those swirling eyes.


We were done in almost record time. Michael left with the storage truck to get things situated there, which left me in charge of getting things settled at Damon's. His house was huge to say the least. There had to be six bedrooms, Damon assured me that it was normal for an alpha to have a large home. When I asked why, he said that an alpha's job was to create a strong line to follow him. Meaning a lot of little future alphas.

After that brain meltdown, came a new challenge. Where to put us all. If Damon and I were going to mate-

~There is no if!~ Snow yelled out. ~When!~

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