ultimis!dempsey x reader x primis!dempsey

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[requested by IHaveTooManyIssues <3]
[takes place in alpha omega]
you arrived at camp edward with the guys, you were all exhausted but still had to continue with your journey. with nikolai being the new leader and holder of the kronorium, things were a bit strange with the two versions of the guys but you decided to roll with it. you have seen this place before but you don't seem to remember it. as you looked around the place, trying to find the power, pieces that looked important and weapons, you couldn't help but notice the two marines seemed to be fighting over something. it was pretty funny to you seeing them argue, you shake your head and headed downstairs into the bunker with takeo and ultimis nikolai to try to find the way to open pack-a-punch and also the elemental shard. both dempseys made their way downstairs to you, they were on competing in which who would win your heart and also keep you safe. you were talking to takeo about these new upgrades for the ray gun mark ii, that they would be very powerful. you also spoke about rushmore and how the crew would be able to gain its trust. you tried to continue your conversation with takeo until your heard the marines going at it again.
"there's no way in hell (y/n) would prefer you over me !," dempsey exclaimed at the older version of himself.
"what?! you're fucking crazy, she would definitely prefer me over some you any time," ultimis dempsey said in response. you finally figured out what both dempseys were fighting about. all this time it was about you, and how they both liked you and wanted to be with you. you weren't sure how to respond to this whole thing but it sure did make you giggle. both marines then turned towards you and found your giggle cute. dempsey was about to say something until both richtofens, ultimis takeo, and nikolai came down towards where everyone was, in the diner.
"vhat the hell? vhere vere all of you! ve needed help, ze doctor nearly got crowded vith his pretty ones," ultimis richtofen said.
"yes, enough fooling around comrades let's find the elemental shard and leave place, these mannequins scare nikolai a bit," nikolai said. you heard a bit of banging from a door while you were making your way upstairs but paid it no attention and continued to search for the elemental shard. nikolai was walking near you and whispered in your ear.
"if you want, i can tell you who you decide to be with, kronorium shows me who it is," nikolai said. you were unsure if you wanted to know who you ended up with but decided not to know since it was more fun and surprising to see who you chose in the end. you shook your head and smiled letting nikolai know not to tell you.
[do u guys know who was banging the door? ,':)) also who shall the reader end up with, primis!dempsey, ultimis!dempsey or,, both? let me know if you guys would like a second part for this ! ^^
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