(1) The Nightmare

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| | Angst-Fluff  | |
| | Will has a nightmare about the mind flayer/the upside down and calls Mike in a panic. | |
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     Will opened his eyes with a start, sitting up in his bed.
     "What...?" He mumbled, trying to get his bearings. A small shiver rattled through his body, a puff of breath visible in the air. Why was he so cold? Will slid off his bed and reached for his lamp, flicking it on. The room lit up, unveiling a painfully familiar sight. The wall was crawling with decay, white particles drifting through the air.
     He was back in the upside down.
     "No... no..." Will whispered to himself, his voice small and fearful. He ran out of his bedroom, almost tripping over himself, "Mom!? Jonathan??"
     A bone chilling sound sent Will's heart racing out of control; a soft rumble in the distance. It burned his ears with familiarity.
    "Please no..." he whimpered, trying to stay calm. He raced outside, looking around the sky frantically.
     Was he really here?
     He ran and ran until his legs gave out, he fell to the ground as a crackle of thunder exploded above him. He cowered back, curling in on himself. After a moment he looked up, and there he was. In a storm of red flashing clouds, the all too real shadow monster loomed over the quivering bundle on the forest floor.
     "Please.. please leave me alone.. not again," Will cried, "PLEASE!" The Mind Flayer did nothing for a second, then a large burst of dust and clouds erupted from the ground, a howling screech ripping through the swirling winds. Will screamed into the cloud as it consumed him entirely.

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Will awoke in a panic, his breathing shallow and quick, his heart racing a million miles an hour, his chest ached. He covered his mouth to stop the screams that has escaped. With a wave of relief he realized he was in fact in his real bedroom, not in an alternate dimension. He carefully lowered himself to his pillow, beginning to cry. He tried to comfort himself with the thought his mother would hear his screams and be here with him shortly.
Although this was short lived when he remembered he was alone tonight. His mother was out, and placed under watch of his brother, Will assured Jonathan that if he stayed with Nancy, he'd be fine all by himself. The boy shut his eyes tight, trying to push the mind flayer out of his head.
"Why...?" He rolled over, squeezing his pillow against his head. When his eyes were closed that's all he could see, the mind flayer. It was never ending, he'd never get away from this thing. He lost control of himself, choking on a sob. Will needed someone... anyone.. he sat up, hugging his pillow to his chest. His gaze landed on his walkie-talkie resting on his desk.
Should he?
With a gulp, Will reached a shaking hand towards the radio, taking it and bringing it to his face. His breath was shaky, voice broken and cheeks reddened by tears, he pulled the antenna up and pushed the button.
"H-Hello? Does anyone copy?"
"Will?" a concerned voice came through, and Will felt a surge of relief that someone was there, even if he did feel a little guilty.
"Will are you there? What's wrong?" It was Mike. Will held the radio tightly, not knowing what to say, his lip trembled and he began to cry again.
"Will please respond! Over!" Mike's voice echoed through Will's room. The boy finally pushed the button, at a loss for words.
"M-Mike..." he began, his voice barely above a whisper, "I... I'm really scared..." he trailed off, biting his lip to hold back more tears. "Over.."
Radio silence was followed by a firm, "I'm coming over."
Will gasped, not wanting to cause trouble. He wasn't sure what he really expected by calling out to the party, he just didn't want to feel alone, "N-No you don't h-have to.. have to come here!" He said with more than a hint of exasperation. With no answer, he said Mikes name into the radio several times. Still no response.
Will jumped, the howling of the wind giving him a spook. He held himself, wondering if he could ever stop shaking. It felt as if the mind flayer had never left, and he was lurking in the depths of Will's subconscious. It was enough to make him go crazy. Then Will smiled, remembering it was Mike who told him they could go crazy together. Maybe Mike coming wouldn't be so bad after all.

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"Hello? Will?" Mike called into the house. Will perked up, his eyes still wet, his body still trembling. He felt relief flood through him as he jumped out of bed, sprinting to the front room where he stopped short, Mike was standing in his doorway, worry apparent on his features.
"Will..." Mike began. Before he could finish, Will ran to him, collapsing in his arms where he cried harshly. Mike shook his head, holding his friend close, "Are you okay?"
"I... I had a nightmare.. I'm sorry you had to.. to come out here," Will said through his cries.
"No it's alright... it'll be okay," Mike said, cradling the back of Will's head. He pulled back a little bit so he could look at him. "Listen to me," he said, gently wiping a tear from Will's cheek, "I'm here now. Everything is going to be okay," he said, "Come on," Mike stood, taking Will's hand and guiding him to his bedroom. He pulled a sleeping bag out of his backpack and laid it out on the floor.
Will watched, intrigued, "You're... staying here?" He asked.
"Of course," Mike said with a nod. "Do you want to... talk about your dream?"
Will shook his head immediately, not wanting to think about it another second. Mike flashed him a look of understanding.
"That's fine too... you should try and get some sleep. I'll be right here okay?" The dark haired boy told him. Will nodded, climbing back into bed. It's true, Will felt a lot safer with Mike here, just his presence in the room made him feel warm. Cozy even. He pulled his blankets over himself and faced the window. He heard Mike's shuffling come to an end as he situated himself in his sleeping bag. Eventually all there was to hear was Mike's breathing and the wind blowing through the woods. Will couldn't close his eyes, he stared at the wall for a long time.
"Can you... come up here?" After a moment of silence, Will felt warmth creep up to him as Mike slid under the covers with him. It was still, neither boy said a thing. Will felt arms slowly start to wrap around him and he was pulled to Mike's warm body. Mike's protective hold on Will made him feel like he was indestructible. If the mind flayer came back, he wouldn't stand a chance against Mike Wheeler. He snuggled up close to him, turning around.
He peered up to see Mike looking into his eyes and smiling kindly, "I'm glad you called me, Will. I don't want you to face this alone," Mike whispered, tears of his own pooling in his eyes. He carefully brushed Will's hair from his face and put their foreheads together, "You never have to be alone. Crazy together, right?"
Will's face flushed as he leaned into Mike's touch, feeling as nothing could possibly harm him ever again. "I'm glad I called you too..." he let out a tiny chuckle, "...crazy together," he murmured quietly.
"Now... please get some rest," Mike said, pressing a gentle kiss to Will's forehead and pulling the boy to his chest. Will buried his face in Mike's shirt and breathed in his scent, feeling sleepy, warm, and happier than he had in a long time.
"Thank you, Mike," Will whispered. Mike ran his fingers through Will's silky hair, petting it until Will was fast asleep.
"Always," Mike breathed into the night, setting into a slumber of his own.

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| | A/N | |

There you have it! The idea that made me start this little book. Tell me what you thought of it and don't forget to request your very own!

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