chapter 1

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Bell was sitting down at a lone table in the schools cafeteria listening to everyone talking. Bell has a weird sense to be able to hear every conversation and see exactly what everyone is talking about. Currently she is listening to a group of popular people talking about a strange girl who a certain group is looking for. Bell knows exactly what group they are talking about.

Everyone in town knows about the top dog gang just outside of town limits. Bell gives them most of their drugs when they need it. She hates going to them, so one of their members goes to her in the middle of the night at the park to get their order.

Bell is the strange girl that the popular are talking about. She messed up one of their recent orders big time. She had another customer she needed to deliver to plus them and she switched their orders on accident because she was rushing and the gang wasn't very happy to find they got the wrong order.

Later in the day, Bell was attacked by her super hyper best friend, Lilith.
"BELL! Did you see the news?!" Lilly screamed while shaking Bell. 'I'm going to get whiplash is she keeps shaking me' Bell thought. "No I didn't see the news, Lilly. What was on it?" Bell questioned.

Lilith started explaining what happened on the news to Bell quickly. What Bell could get was that there has been a body discovered in the middle of town. The body has some weird writing on it and the cops are trying to figure out what it means. Bells eyes widen. "Did you take a picture of the body, if they showed it, Lilly?" Bell questioned scared a bit. "Duh!!" Lilith proceeded to pull out her phone and show Bell the picture.

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Words- 329

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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