Dreams, Fear and A Test💕

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     When I turned on the light, I turned around and the fog parted enough to reveal a path right in front of me. Talk about creepy.

     I then began to make my way down the pathway slowly while watching my step. The ground had tree roots sticking up all over the place. I kept following the path till I suddenly felt eyes on me. I acted like I didn't notice though and kept walking. 'I may be a fifteen year old girl, but I'm not bad at defending myself if I must. I mean, I did train together with Kurapika and Pairo after all, we trained under the same master and even had our own little duels sometimes. Now as for the person following me, let's see if I can lower them out.'

     *???'s P.O.V.* *Also in other realm*

     'I see~, so that tree picked this little girl to represent the whole clan, huh~? Let's see if she has what it takes to stay alive. She'll need to stay alive, especially in here. I should know. I've been here for years after all. But still, I can't believe the sacred tree chose this child for such a dangerous and sad mission... it's almost frightening to have so much anticipation of what will happen.' I thought.

     She began to proceed down the path slowly. Can't say I blame her. It is a scary yet sacred place after all. Suddenly out of no where, she began to seem slightly off.

     'Has she noticed I'm here?? If she has, she's better than I thought. I wonder what she'll do if she tries to draw me out into the open.' As I thought this, I smirked to myself with thoughts swarming my mind.


     *(Y/N)'s P.O.V.*

     'It's literally been about an hour or so by now and whatever is watching me isn't budging from the shadows. Do I really have to force them out and give away the fact that I know? Crap... Why does everything seem so quiet? I've heard absolutely nothing aside from the sounds of my own foot steps and the occasional chirps of crickets. Good God. If I could just find something in this forest, literally anything! I need to get back to Kurapika. He's most likely very worried.' As if my thoughts were heard, I saw a light blue light in the distance and it looked like a person. I then heard the faint sound of running water! "Oh my stars! Perfect!!" I immediately booked it to the water and when I got there, I saw a little ball of blue light floating above the water.

     "Are you the new princess? You sure seem different from the others." It said. Surprisingly, the voice was feminine and a little high pitched." Ah! I'm sorry if that was taken the wrong way, I just meant that you seem like you have never heard the legend of the Kurta Princess. Have you? I'll bet that's why you seem so lost right now." I shook my head in response. "No one would tell me or my friends." I respond.

     "I see. So I was right. Why don't you come here and I'll tell you about it." It said as it came over to the ground next to me. The ball of light suddenly got serious. I could tell cause it's color of blue turned slightly darker. "Please, sit down. It's going to be a long story." Per her request, I did as asked.

     "According to the legend, the Kurta Clan was just an ordinary village in the beginning. The clan thrived as a whole and even developed a culture all their own. But one day, one of the ancestors, more specifically the mother of the bloodline of the Kurta princesses, found the source of its power. That source was the tree of ages; also known as the tree of time. It was the biggest tree she'd ever seen in her life, and it peaked her curiosity immensely." She began.

     "As she made her way to it, it glowed with a green light. The light came to her and circled around her feet. Because of this, it made her more curious than before, and beckoned her to touch the tree trunk. When she did, she was plunged into another realm, this realm, where she had to pass a test if she wanted to live. No one in the land you came from except for the elder knows how she passed it though, but when she woke up, it was almost like she'd gotten stronger to those around her. The only bad thing that changed about her was that she'd forgotten the man she loved and her own parents. She didn't have a choice. No one knows why to this day, not even me..."

     I froze.....

     'What?.....I'll.....forget..Kurapika?!..... And my parents??!!!'

     "It is said that the power she received that day would be passed to descendants in future generations to protect the clan so no one in it would be harmed. The succession of the princess would always take place at the tree, and when the previous princess dies, the succession wouldn't take place till the tree decides it's time to pick another young woman for the task of protecting the clan." She continued.

     "How it works is the tree would give the main elder of the clan a vision of when to gather everyone to it so it may choose. The only thing that's strange is that it's you the tree chose. No fifteen year old girl or younger has ever been chosen before. Plus, the aura surrounding you is very unusual indeed. Almost like that boy you like so much. His aura is strange too. Although, yours might be a little more strange." It says casually.

     "Is that all the legend says? What kind of test will I have to take? If I take it, will the clan be safe? And how do you know about Kurapika?" I ask, slightly nervous.

     "That will depend on you my dear girl. However their is one way you can keep your memories of them. You must kill the one who was following you. They are the one who took the memories of the men others before you loved and their parents from their minds, permanently. I could not help them because I have no power over her. Kill her though, and you will walk out of here with your memories completely intact. This is your only chance to be in this realm and to be able to kill her. She could take your memories weather you're in here or not. It's basically half the reason why your here. Trust me my dear." She says.

     "Oh! I should also mention, your test isn't in here surprisingly. You're only here to so you can gain the items in your bag, learn the legend of your clan, gain your abilities from the spring behind me and to keep your memories." She says.

     "Ok, but why the knife then? I have my 

     "Believe it or not that knife will be very important. It's the royal ruby knife. It belongs to and can only be used by the Kurta Princess and her true love. Should anyone else wield it, they will be burned by sacred fire. As for that boy of yours, if I'm right he's sitting next to you're physical self meaning he's next to the tree as well. That's how I know."

     "He's next to my physical body...? Kurapika... I knew it he is worried....." I respond. I then felt determination rise inside me. "So all I have to do is kill the one who was following me then yes?" I ask the blue ball of light.

      "That is correct. Once you do, even if you or anyone should lose your memories, every last price of what's stolen will be returned and a bit more as I understand it but I don't know what more will come with it. Sorry."

     "Very well. I assume the way to get out has to do with this lake then?" I ask. "Yes, and in that note, I ask you take some of this water with you. It contains healing properties. Use this vile to get some. Before you ask, you can bring it back to the other world along with all the other stuff too." She says as she creates a bike out of thin air.

     'Healing properties? Don't mind it I do!' I think as I grab the vile and get the water. "Thank you for this and the information. I'll be going then-!" I get cut off by a crimson dagger bring thrown in our direction and we dodge it.

     " Nevermind you should run! Thanks again!" I say as the blue light flies away enough for it to be out of range but enough to provide light.

     "I didn't think you'd actually show yourself. I assume you're the one who I need to kill then?" I ask as the owner of the knife walks out of the shadows. "That's right. Not that you can. I doubt you can even fight that well. You may be a Kurta but you haven't had nearly as much experience as I have in this place." They say confidently. "When I'm done with you, you're gonna regret stealing memories that don't belong to you."


KL: My apologies for taking so long. This chapter was actually almost done quite a long while ago and I just forgot about it on accident. If you guys enjoyed, be sure to leave a comment or a vote. It sure helps my motivation believe it or not. I'm thinking about updating again or publishing a new story. What do you guys think? And please don't let me pick on my own, I really love it when others give their opinions on this sort of thing. Also, we'll have quite the battle but it won't be in the realm y'all are in, it'll be out in the real world.😁 And if their are any typos please, PLEASE say where and what. It's a MAJOR pet peeve of mine. Thanks! Well that's all for now, KL out!😄💖

*2468 words*

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⏰ Última atualização: Jun 16, 2022 ⏰

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