Sneaking Out

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     (A/N): When I first saw this picture, I thought "Oh god, PLEASE have mercy!" And then I started to laugh like an idiot.

(Y/N)'s P. O. V.

     We were almost at Pairo's house when Kurapika reaches into his pocket and takes a sigh of relief for some reason. 'I wonder what he has in his pocket.' After a moment more of walking, we reach Pairo's house and Kurapika stops us right as we reach the door. "Before we go inside, I need to give you this." He reached in his pocket and pulled out a small silver box. My eyes widened with interest and happiness. I too the box gently and blushes a little. "Don't open it yet, wait until we are alone tonight, ok?" I nodded to him, and I put it away in my pocket.

     Then he opens the door, and all of my friends pop out of hiding as soon as the lights turn on. "SURPRISE!!" Everyone shouts out loud. I gasp in shock and excitement. "Wow, how long did all of this take?!" I say with a smile and I giggle a little bit. "This took few months to plan and it was all thanks to Kurapika. When things started to fall apart, he got everything in order so this party would be possible." Pairo explained out loud, and everyone else agree with him.

     I look around to see all my family and friends congratulating me and agreeing with Pairo when I turn to Kurapika, who was blushing a little. "Is that true Kurapika?" I ask him, and he looks at me. " Well everyone else helped too, it wasn't just me." He says to me. "But it's still true isn't it?" I ask with a slightly evil grin. "I-I guess so, but it was because of everyone else too. I may have organized it, but they are the main reason that this party exists at all." He says with a nervous look on his face that made him look adorable. "Alright, let's get this party started!" One of my friends say. "YEAH!!"  Everyone else yells.

(Timeskip to night time) *Kurapika's P. O. V.*

      I wait in my room for a while till everyone in the village is asleep. Then I sneak out of my room down stairs, and go out the front door quietly. 'I have to tell her tonight, or I can't go on in life.' I think to myself while I run to the waterfall.

     After a few minutes of running, I get to the waterfall and see (Y/N) sitting at the edge of the ground gently humming her favorite lullaby. After she was done, I start to walk closer to her and she turns around. "That was beautiful, what song was that?" I ask her. "Its called "The Approaching Night" (A/N): That's a real song, its really good. I recommend listing to it😸), thanks for coming Kurapika." She says with a smile.

     'Her voice is so enchanting, just hearing her say my name sent shivers down my spine. And those beautiful (e/c) eyes sparkled in the moonlight, it lit a fire in my heart. She's so beautiful, kind, happy, strong, passionate, and loving. Her smile was as pure as her heart was angelic, don't even get me started on he beautiful personality. She's so perfect in every way, I have to tell her how I feel, right now.' I thought to myself.

     "(Y/N), I have to tell you something important. Ever since I met you, I thought you were the most beautiful and amazing person I've ever known. It seems like we're with each other everyday and you've become someone I can't ever live without. I've known you for as long as we've been alive, I care about you more than you realize. When I'm not where you are, I feel like I could go crazy knowing that if you needed my help, I couldn't be there to help and protect you. When I am with you, it's like I'm with a pure goddess. Being by you're side fills me with a happiness I've never felt before in my life, and it drives me insane knowing that your not mine. I can't express how much I care for you, it hurts sometimes knowing you're not mine I can't go another minute without you by my side. Please tell me (Y/N), if I reach out my hand, will you take it?..."

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