That Damn Cloak(Ironstrange)

Start from the beginning

"So, Stephen, a crush?", Christine asked, sliding into the seat next to Stephen and wiggling her eyebrows.

"No", Stephen said, but his reddening cheeks betrayed him and Christine gasped.

"You do have a crush, who!?", she slammed her hands on the table in front of Stephen and got in his face, but of course Stephen didn't answer, "okay, we'll have to guess", she turned to Wong.

"Any guesses?", she asked him, and Wong stroked his chin in thought.

"Maybe a superhero, I always thought saving people would be attractive to Stephen", Wong said in thought, and Christine nodded in agreement.

"Yes, okay, Captain America?", she guessed.


"Black Widow?", Wong tried.


"Bruce Banner? He's very smart", Christine guessed again.


"Tony Stark?", Wong guessed, brow furrowed in thought.


"Oh. My. God", Christine said, eyes wide and gleaming with excitement.

"You have a crush on Tony Stark", Wong said in a matter-of-fact tone.

"I..I do not", Stephen turned even redder as he glared at his book.

Then the cloak, who had been silent the whole time, decided to move. It flew from Stephens shoulder and gasped, there even was a gasping sound.

"Shut up", Stephen finally looked up, revealing his now almost as red as a tomato cheeks, and glared at the cloak.

"He didn't say anything", Christine pointed out, but Stephen chose to ignore that logical statement to glare at his cloak, who was now using his fabric as hands to make hearts in the air.

"You know what he is going to do when you finally meet Tony Stark right?", Wong asked him, smirking, and Stephen groaned and let his head thump on the book.


*end flasback*


"Okay, cloak, we are now leaving to the Avengers compound, and I want you to behave", Stephen said in a stern tone, but he knew it was futile when the cloak just giggled.

"I'm serious", Stephen pointed a stern finger at the cloak, but it just giggled harder and made a few cartweels in the air.

"Oh boy, this is going to go wrong"


Tony had not stopped thinking about Stephen Strange since he met him 2 weeks ago. He constantly thought about his high cheekbones, his smooth voice, his eyes that had seemed green at first and blue later, his long legs, but that wasn't all, also his cute blush, his grace when he fought and the cute little awkward smile he did before he dissapeared.

Tony was so, so fucked.


Stephen was currently standing in front of the door where he was supposed to meet Tony, cloak around his shoulders, currently silent as the grave. He didn't know why he was even giving the stupid thing another chance seeing the disaster of last time, but he was.

After giving the cloak one last pat to remind him to behave, Stephen knocked on the door three times, and within a second the door opened, revealing Tony Stark wearing a crisp suit, sunglasses and a billion dollar smile.

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