
"Are you guys ready" Neil asked impatiently while standing in the entrance of the venue. Clad with blue and white balloons and decorated with flowers and lovely captures the ground shined as a newly decorated bride where as the red carpet was ready to welcome the brave heroes and their incredible families.

"Haan we are ready. Don't worry we will reach safely with your wife. Stop nagging us with your stupid phone call for every 5 minutes. We are on the way." Bebe repeated the same phase for god knows how many time in the evening. Yet Neil could never get enough of assurance over her words.

"Pr babe"

"One more word and I will jump out of the car. It's too much pressure to handle for someone as old as me" Bebe tired to threaten her best as she saw Neil coming with his own ifs and buts all again. Raising his hands up Neil surrendered.

"Bye" he said in a low tone listening to the dead end. Bebe has shut his call even before hearing a word from him.

"I wonder whether you really have a mobile with you" Bebe stated sarcastically looking at avni with a glare who was busy starring at her toes speaking nothing.

"Neil sir, names are placed on each table." DD caught up while Neil smiled at him.

"And place suneri at khanna's table!" seeing DD coming up with his con's about his idea he interrupted him. "I don't care about your lame excuses. Come on DD she is my sister." Neil said sternly while DD just nodded. No words against his boss at least.


The honks of the car made them turn towards it which abruptly stopped in the driveway. "Too fast" Neil exclaimed as he moved towards the driver to lecture him about the correct phase one must drive a car about.

His phase slowed down as he noticed Bebe in the car. He was filled with mixed emotions. Half in excitement and half due to his fluttering heart eager to meet her.

"Abee, help me out" Bebe shrieked while DD went towards the car and opened the door extending his hand for guiding the lady out of the car.

"Thanks puttar" she smiled at DD and her smile immediately faded looking at the slow phasing Neil lost somewhere while his eyes were searching for someone behind Bebe.

"Oyeee! Tu starplus ki bhau ki thara kyu chal rahi ho." Bebe mocked bringing him back to senses. Avni moved inside the car to step out and Bebe stepped aside to give the girl space to walk into. She tried to hold the door of the car struggling with her entangled dress while the lost Neil got senses enough to extend his hands towards her which she grabbed immediately. Their eyes locked and this time they felt deep into each other's eyes not being able to gather senses about their surroundings.

Neil skipped a beat as she stood before him with a neatly draped navy blue saree perfectly matching his blue coat attire while the black border of his coat were twining with her black blouse. The golden butta's were shining near her waist and lower half while the upper half of the saree was filled with a translucent silky material. Still lost in each other bebe's three fake coughs and two stamps on Neil's boots with her heels didn't bring him back to senses.

"Chalo bhai hum chalte hai. I don't think they will come." Bebe commented to DD while Neil gasped a little as avni broke the eye contact. Looking at the teasing eyes of Bebe she flushed pink trying to drift her hands from Neil's hold. Entangling her fingers Neil turned to frown at Bebe for disturbing him but he couldn't help from blushing at her naughty wink.

"I hope you got to know that it's not your bedroom" Bebe mumbled her last tease before turning to leave while neil gripped avni's hand tighter as she tried to withdraw from his hold.

"I will bring rest of them sir" DD said understandingly while Neil just nodded before entering inside. His chest was broader with pride for he found the love in the eyes of his love. Hands intertwined avni tighten the hold as she met his phase with much difficulty as she was being in her saree with heels.

It was like 'neil in a wonderland' as he forgot the world behind just feeling her hands in his, while he looks beside to find her flushed and flattered look. The shades of his love over her face, he thought and soon he felt it adorning his face too. Every other's could able to see the shade except Neil himself who was unaware of the fact!


Hello people out there!

So here comes some break to the happy married life of Mr. and Mrs. Khanna.

I thought of giving some beautiful moments in epilogue. One more chapter down (or two, I don't know) then you will have epilogue and there ends the story.

As it's nearing the end I would like to thank every one of you who were with me in this beautiful journey of avneil. Hope to meet you soon in some new concept.

(P.P.S. this is the longest chapter in my history. Hurray to 1700 words! I owe a congratulation for this!)

Much love,


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