Black Magic Moon

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Can was adrift, floating at sea, the small raft rocked back and forth lulling him, lulling him to sleep, lulling him through a dense heavy fog.

It was peaceful and quiet like he had never experienced before.  It was serene as he drifted through the fog, rocking gently on the waves. The sweet fresh scent of Sanem and her wildflower fragrance mixing with the ocean breeze caressing over his skin and filling his senses. He could feel her close, warm beside him, cradled in his arms, her head tucked under his chin and

He never wanted to leave this place.

He hears Sanem calling for him through the fog,  he calls back but his voice has no sound. He hears her calling him again, calling through the fog, "I hear you Sanem, I'm here",  and then it was peaceful again, quiet again.

The smell of smoke drifted through the fog, the sound of sirens interrupted the silence.

"Sanem,"  he suddenly feels a sense of panic, "SANEM!" he yells for her.  Her face, her worried face is looking at him as he reaches for her hand "I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU AGAIN, I GIVE YOU MY WORD, I PROMISE." He is yelling at her, trying to grasp her hand.

Now there was pain, sudden and excruciating pain. He was trapped, held down, restrained. He fought against the restraints that held him tight, helpless.

He felt Sanems fingers pull his hair back from his face. Her touch feels so good, so soothing. But her voice is strange, filled with panic. He tries to reach for her.

He sits up in the raft, it rocks like he is on the high seas in a storm. There she is smiling at him. The smile that lights a thousand nights. Her soft brown eyes that sparkle with her love for him. How could it be that they had found their way back together? How can this beautiful girl still love him after all he had done?  He left her shattered, for a year while rode the seas, trying to escape.

There is the pain again. His head hurt. His body hurt. He was being held down again. Where did she go? She disappears into the fog that has turned into smoke. He feels panic.

"Sanem!, Sanem!, don't leave me, take my hand."He reaches for her, she is reaching back through the burning fog. Reaching for his hand. Her beautiful face, her eyes, her lips... he wanted to kiss those lips. "Come, my love, let me kiss you... come, come." She reaches for him, her arms and fingers stretching out to him.

The boat launched and a wave washes over them, glass and smoke flying everywhere...and blood?   Sanem is reaching, her fingers stretching towards him, and a wave comes, wave after wave washing over the boat.

"Oh my God, Sanem" Panic consumes them. He can't reach her, he is tethered down, he can't get loose. He has to keep her safe. "Sanem", he screams.

Waves pound over her. Waves full of glass and smoke. They are pulling her out of the boat, into the sea. 

"Save me Can, don't leave me again.".

The waves pulled her away from him pulling her into the swirling dark water. She screams, she panics, she cries out for him. He tries again to reach for her hands that are reaching out to him. The waves take her, dunking her under the water again and again. Pulling her away from the boat. Taking her away from him.

He cries out in rage, in panic, in earth-shattering sorrow.

He is helpless. His boat pulls farther away from her. She is drowning, calling him over and over. "Please don't leave me Can, don't go... help me Can... save me... I love you Can, I love you."

She struggles in the waves trying to keep her head above the water.

"Sanem, Sanam, Sanam," he screams over and over, trying to break the restraints that hold him back.

Then she is gone. Swallowed by the sea. The waves clear, the burning smoke clears. He is back on the calm sea floating in the fog. His hands trail in the water. He is trapped in the boat, tied down.

Suddenly Niyat is there with Mevkibe. Floating in the fog before him... "You lost her Can, she is gone," They accuse him. "You stole her away like a pirate in the night. You stole her from us and you lost her. You took her without honor, without marriage, without permission, you dishonor her father, and her mother. You dishonor Sanem with your selfishness and now she is gone. Over and over again you hurt her until there's nothing left of her." "No!" Can cries out. "NO NO."

He floats in and out of the Fog. Helpless and guilty. All the promises he has made her float across the fog like a movie. He promised to always listen to her, he promised her heart was safe with him, he promised to love her and never leave her, over and over he said those words. But he had broken every promise, again and again, and now he left her, swallowed by the sea. It broke him. It was more than his mind could endure, he could not breathe, his heart is bursting in his chest. He reaches in his pocket find is moonstones, holding them in his shaking hands. The boat lurches and he drops the white stone into the sea. He watches it sink beneath the surface.  The swallows the stone the same way is swallowed Sanem.

His black Moonstone is cold in his hand. A black Crystal-like fog glitters from the stone. Rising like a dense, black cloud. It started to grow, billowing up from his palm, it envelops him, covering him like a shield. He begins to feel calm, serene. "Just sleep" it whispers. Rest in sleep... Forget... Forget it all.

The fog grew and grew, enveloping everything in its inky blackness. Enveloping the boat and the sea. Claiming Can and all his memories of Sanem. Into the darkness, he went. He went with his memories of Sanem drowning in the sea of broken glass.   He was free of her vacant eyes after he found her sitting on the dock upon returning from the sea. He was free from the pain he caused her. It swallowed every broken promise, every tear. It took every loving moment they shared, every smile, every kiss. It ends, as it began. It takes their first kiss, it takes the taste of her. It erases her fragrance. It takes the magnetic pull of her in his arms the first time he embraced her. It takes it all, as he drifts out at Sea in a black fog of calm keeping him safe. Keeping his mind from shattering, keeping his heart beating, keeping his soul tethered to his body, to his life... The magic of the black moonstone will keep him safe, protected in its inky cacoon until it was safe to come out again.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2019 ⏰

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