File 7: Who used the Reverse Card?!

80 0 300

Alt. Name: Everything seemed Wrong...

Verse: Infiniverse

Scenario: Months after the thing that is the Real Escape Game, one practice session went haywire.
Reason? Body swapping shenanigans.

And I just returned from my vacation....

Initiator: EveryDayHero28

Notes: Here's the list of the swapped.
Chika - Yoshiko (YOHANE!)
You - Riko Sakuraucheese
Riko - Dia
Yoshiko (YOHANE!) - You
Maru - Kanana
Ruby - Mari (Ah, cripe..)
Dia - Wooby
Kanan - Chikan
Mari - Zuramaru

Ugh, the headaches...

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