|Start of Something New|

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Hey y'all!

So for those returning, you may be wondering, "What happened to the other books you published?" Well, I unpublished them. As much as I like some of the art in those books, my style has changed a bit and some of them just make me cringe. So that's why I've removed them.
For those who are new, welcome! I'm SpaceOtter75(Otter for short), formerly known as Wolf_568. I'm an artist, nerd, and thespian. And no. It is not lesbian. Thespian. My uncle thought that I was a member of the International Lesbian Society when really I said Thespian. My drama teacher also has to make that distinction and it's quite hilarious.
    So besides all that jazz, welcome to "Galaxie of Stars!" I hope you enjoy the content. Please do not steal my art or any other artist's art. Artists, young and old, beginning or not, spend lots of time and put a ton of effort into their drawings and it would be rude to steal it. If you would like to use my art as a reference, please ASK first and then TAG me. Thank you. :)

   - Otter

Carpe diem.

P.S. the current cover is temporary until I have time to draw an actual one.

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