"Of course!" Asher smiles. You take the first pictures. "So what are your guy's names?" Asher asks while taking the pictures with you and the girls.

"I'm Kendra." The blonde says. Asher gives back their phones and they look at the pictures.

"And I'm Grace." She sighs. "We are such big fans of you. I love Andi Mack, and your singing!" She says with a huge smile on her face.

"Oh yeah, me too! You're such a great actor." Kendra smiles.

"Thank you guys! You have no idea how much that means to me." He smiles and opens his arms, Grace hugs him, then Kendra does.

"Also (y/n) you're like so beautiful! Like seriously I wish I was you." Grace adds.

"Aw, thank you. You both are really pretty too." You smile while your face starts to feel hot.

"And uh, before we go I have one question." Kendra says a little nervously.

"Ask away." He says and chuckles.

"Are you guys just best friends or are you actually dating?" She asks.

Your face gets slightly more red and you smile nervously. "No no, we're not dating. Just friends." You start to laugh nervously.

"Really? Wow. It was nice meeting you guys. We love you!" They both smile and wave goodbye.

"Love you too!" You and Asher wave back and they leave.

"That was fun." Asher smiles at you. "Didn't you like it?" He asks, pulling you into a hug.

"Well, fame isn't for me. How'd they know me anyways?" You ask, looking up at him.

"I post you on my story on Instagram and Snapchat a lot when I'm with you." He laughs.

"Oh yeah. Forgot about that if I'm being honest." You laugh with him.

"And also, they're right. You're beautiful." He chuckles.

"Oh stop it ash." You look away and smile. He was the sweetest boy. You couldn't ask for more.

"Well it's true." He smiles and puts your hair behind your ear. You rest your head against his chest while he continues to hold you.

"There's just one thing I didn't like about it." You shrug and look up at him.

"And what would that be?" He looks down at you and holds your chin up.

"I just don't like sharing you, I don't want anyone to take you away from me." You give him a sad look and he smiles.

"Oh yeah? So apparently I belong to you now?" He chuckles. "Just kidding, don't worry. No one will ever replace you." He rests his head on your shoulder while hugging you, you squeeze him tight and smile.

"You're such a sweetheart ash." You giggle.

"Only because you're my bestest friend in the whole wide world. You're the reason for my happiness." He looks at you and smiles, putting your hair behind your ear. You look away and smile. But he puts his hand on your cheek and moves you to face him. Then looking softly into your eyes, keeping his hand on your cheek.

"What?" You ask, looking at him with a confused look. You hold his hand on your cheek.

"I wanna take you somewhere. Can I?" He asks.

Loving You From a Distance | Asher AngelWhere stories live. Discover now